Wednesday, July 20, 2022



Okay, it is summer - and the first thing I see as I walk into my local HEB grocery store is a large cardboard container of watermelon - and at a good price.

So, is watermelon healthy?

From we have this:

Watermelon is believed to have first been domesticated over 4,000 years ago in Northeast Africa 

It’s sweet and juicy, making it the perfect treat to quench your thirst during the summer heat.

This large round fruit has a green rind and bright red flesh. It’s also packed with nutrients, including antioxidants and vitamins A and C.

Here are 9 of the top health benefits of watermelon.

Helps you stay hydrated

Watermelon is 92% water.  Staying hydrated in the summer helps body temperature regulation, normal organ function, nutrient delivery to cells, and alertness are only some of the bodily processes that rely on adequate hydration

From: more on staying hydrated:

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue
Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted!

2. Promotes Weight Loss

Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger (hello natural appetite suppressant!), raises your metabolism, and has zero calories!

3. Flushes Out Toxins

Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTIs (urinary tract infections).

4. Improves Skin Complexion

Moisturizes your skin, and keeps it fresh, soft, glowing, and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around!

5. Maintains Regularity
Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

OKAY - watermelon (and water, liquids help keep you hydrated)


2. Packed with nutrients and beneficial plant compounds

The article says, “Watermelon boasts numerous nutrients, including a substantial amount of vitamins A and C. It also offers antioxidants like lycopene and cucurbitacin E.”

3.  May have anticancer compounds

“Several plant compounds found in watermelon, including lycopene and cucurbitacin E, have possible anticancer effects.”

4. May improve heart health

Some additional factors.  Lycopene seems to have lower blood pressure benefits, citrulline, an amino acid that may increase nitric oxide levels in your body. Nitric oxide helps your blood vessels expand, which lowers blood pressure, and watermelon has magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, B6, and C” 

5. May reduce inflammation and oxidative stress

Watermelon contains compounds that may help reduce inflammation, high levels of which are linked to numerous illnesses.

6. May help prevent macular degeneration

Lycopene may help prevent AMD (age-related macular degeneration) due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Still, further studies are needed.

7. May relieve muscle soreness

The citrulline in watermelon may help improve exercise performance and decrease muscle soreness.

8. May aid skin health

Vitamins A and C, which are found in watermelon, are important for skin health.

9. May improve digestion

Watermelon contains plenty of water and a small amount of fiber, both of which are necessary for healthy digestion.


Okay - watermelon is good for you!!!  

I did find a few negatives to watermelon - can lead to diarrhea if you eat too much; if you drink alcohol, the Lycopene can negatively interact with the alcohol.

Basically - eat watermelon in moderation (eating a WHOLE LARGE WATERMELON IN ONE SITTING IS PROBABLY NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!)

Love Wins


July 21, 2022


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