Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bragging Day - part I

Bragging day!!!
(Okay, I’m sorry - but not too sorry - to brag today - and I hope it motivates you!!)

In my look at Alzheimer’s disease, there are several positive factors that one can follow::
  • Exercise
  • Mental stimulation
  • Social interaction
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Meditation
  • Positive attitude

There are gyms all around you.  January is “Gym” month - as people make New Year’s resolutions to get fit and work out.  Gym membership is good, but even better is GOING to the gym regularly!!  

(Aside - a couple of years ago, I was in that group - gym membership and didn’t go.  Fortunately, it wasn’t a fortune to belong to this gym - but to make it work, I had to go!!)

And, one of the best ‘gym’ activities you can do for free - walk!!  I do have a membership at the Georgetown Recreation Center (about $10 a month) - and I do get there probably five times out of the week.  But, I also live in Texas, where the weather is at least tolerable in winter and I can walk outside.  The Georgetown Recreation Center does have advantages when it is colder and in the summer when it is hot. Plus, I walk on a track and can listen to audiobooks and watch basketball and volleyball games (and take a shower!!)

Around Thanksgiving, I wanted some kind of fitness device (like a Fitbit).  I said something to a friend (KB) who said “Hey you have a step counter on your phone”!!  So, no Fitbit, but keeping track of my steps. I have used the free MapMyWalk app on my phone and I am part of the 2020 Challenge to walk/run 1020 kilometers in the year 2020.  

So, back to bragging - I am averaging five miles a day.  That is 10,000 steps, which is what many experts suggest.  In terms of the MapMyWalk app, I reached the 200-kilometer last week - so, if you will, I’m over 20% in the challenge.  If I keep this up, by the end of April I’ll get to the 1020 kilometer mark!!! (The MapMyWalk says I’m in the top 2% in that challenge.)

Last week, I marked seven years using the daily (free) Set game on my computer.  A nice spacial and logic game that does challenge me most days. Likewise, about a month ago, I reached 1000 days in the FlowFree Hex game on my phone.  Up to thirteen dots on a grid that you need to connect without crossing another line (they use different colors to help identify the lines - and if you need too, you can ask for help.  Help isn’t quite free as you will have to watch a promotional video (aka “advertisement”) to get the hint - but that’s not really different than watching TV!!

Likewise, I reached the 1000 day barrier in the original FlowFree game.  (FlowFree Hex has hexagons while the original had squares). My daily routine is to get the Set game and FlowFree games done in my first hour of the day.  

I am also playing bridge which requires thinking - plus gives a person a social venue.  

So, yes, I am bragging - but in my retirement, I have carved out time to get my physical exercise and my mental exercise!! (And, all except the gym membership are free!!!)

And, another mental exercise is writing a daily blog.  I missed about four days last year (when I was on my ‘vacation’ to the mental hospital).  

(And, I feel good!!!)

How about you?  

More on this tomorrow!!


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