Sunday, January 5, 2020


10 Game Changing Choices You Can Make in 2020
Rarely I choose just to copy somebody else’s concepts - but today I am doing it.  Thank you Dorine for putting this link on Facebook:

1. Choose to be happy
That is right, happiness is a choice. It is not a natural disposition or a matter of favorable circumstances. Choosing to be happy has no downside. It makes things better for everyone…including you!

2. Choose to not be offended
Make people work really hard to offend you this year. After all, why should you have a bad day because someone ELSE is an insensitive idiot? Don’t let other people’s problems become your problem.

3) Choose to control impulses
Often the things we DON’T say, post or tweet are our best decisions of the day. Just let it go. You don’t have to respond. You just don’t…

4) Choose to not do dumb crap
For me, this comes down to a simple question, “Could anything good possibly come from what I am about to do?” If the answer is “no” or “probably not,” don’t do it.

5) Choose to forgive
Forgiving does not let the people who hurt us off the hook. It frees us from bitterness and hate. Forgiving someone gets them out of your head and breaks their control over you.

6) Choose to dream
Dreams keep us engaged, fill us with hope and keep us working hard. Remember to differentiate between a dream and a pipedream. A dream is something achievable through sacrifice, planning and hard work. If your dreams do not fit this definition, recalibrate them…and then crack at it!

7) Choose where you expend energy
Before you allow yourself to get angry or become frustrated, ask yourself, “Why would I allow this person or situation steal my energy?” Just because people might behave badly, the line isn’t moving or you have been on hold for 20 minutes, really isn’t worth your energy. Save your best energy for the people that love you!

8) Choose to believe
Faith is a wonderful thing! Having something to believe in nurtures our spirits, gives circumstances context and reminds us that the cosmos is bigger that “us and ours.”

9) Choose to live healthy
Things like eating smart, getting plenty of exercise and living more simply add both quality and quantity to our lives. Health is not just the absence of illness; it is a lifestyle.

10) Choose to love
Unconditional love does not necessitate unconditional approval, nor does it require you to enter the dysfunction or drama of another person. Love is choosing to have people in your life; speaking truth, staying at the table and sharing the journey. Love gives and receives. If you are only giving (and giving) and not receiving anything, that is the definition of a host and parasite, not love.

There is no better use of time than to think about our choices. By making healthy choices we accentuate our joys and lessen our burdens. Choose well.

As I copied this, I was reflecting on a comment from a friend to me.  We have a difference of opinion (or fact or truth - I don’t always know the difference).  In particular, #3 - Choose not to be offended.  Hey, I may be wrong - or the other person might be wrong - and to be honest, this life is more than being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.  My keyword for 2020 is LOVE.  (Quoting the Beatles “All you need is love”).

I’m also thinking of #3 Control impulses and #4 Choose not to dump trash and #5 Choose to forgive and #10 Choose to love!!

(JC - I love you - you are being a loving friend to me.  Keep me honest and hold my feet to the fire.  Like all of us, we are flawed human beings and God talks about being a “refiner’s fire” - burning off the dross and impurities in our lives - and, hey, I’ve got a lot of junk in my life - and I need feedback - both positive and negative!!  HUGS!!!  Karen)

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