Friday, September 22, 2023



Yesenia Garza didn’t sleep well at the Medina’s house. She had her standard nightmares - where Juan yelled at her for some minor situation, and then he beat her for her mistakes. Miguel slept in the kingsize bed next to his mother. At least he slept well. It was Saturday morning, and although she usually woke around 5:30, she got out of bed and realized it was Saturday. She stayed up for a few minutes praying. And then, she returned to bed until Miguel woke up at about 7:00.

She quickly showered, felt better, and headed downstairs to breakfast. Lara and Alejandro were sitting at the table drinking coffee and watching KHSL - the Chico CBS affiliate.  

Lara jumped up and hugged Yesenia. “How did you sleep?”

Yesenia answered truthfully, “I didn’t sleep well.”

Lara started some bacon and eggs on the stove. She brought over a plate to the table and stopped over at Yesenia.

Lara asked, “Yesenia, is that a bruise on your neck?”

Yesenia nodded, “That was from Monday when Juan was mad at me about the laundry. I didn’t iron his work shirt properly.”

Lara asked Alejandro, “Dear, could you see if Pedro is up?” 

As Alejandro got up, Lara gave him a stern look and jerked her head, indicating he needed to leave the kitchen.

As soon as he was good, Lara sat beside Yesenia and grabbed her hands.

Gently, Lara asked, “Did Juan hurt you?”

Yesenia could only nod and bowed her head with a few tears.  

Lara glanced at Miguel, picked up the remote, and switched to the Disney Channel. Miguel turned in his chair and directed his attention to the TV. Lara turned the volume up.

With Alejandro gone and Miguel in rapt attention to the TV, Lara directed her gaze back to Yesenia.

“Did he do this frequently?”

Yesenia quietly said, “I disappointed him, and he wanted to teach me to be a better wife. Sometimes, he called me nasty names when I disappointed him.” Yesenia looked up at Lara, “Does Alejandro get mad with you?”

Lara quickly replied, “Not like that. That is spousal abuse. There should never be bruises, cuts, welts, or bullying.”

Yesenia said, “I failed him, and now he is dead.”

Lara didn’t quite know how to answer her friend. Her husband had beat her, bruised her, and made her a submissive servant. She needed help.

Lara asked, “Do you have bruises that are hidden?”

Yesenia nodded. ‘Yes.’ 

Lara was treading on some dangerous ground. It seemed like Juan Garza was a bully and spouse abuser and that Yesenia Garza had stood by and taken his abuse. She wanted to take pictures of the abuse - but realized that Juan was dead and that he couldn’t be taken to court for the abuse. She did know that the University of California-Davis did have a women’s study program, and maybe Yesenia’s experiences could help women everywhere to avoid the terrible violence. But Yesenia thought those bruises were because she had been pleasing her husband.

Lara and Yesenia were interrupted by Alejandro, and Pedro arrived in the kitchen. Pedro sat next to  Miguel, and Pedro found some kid’s programs on PBS that they liked.  


Max and Carlos had the olive orchard back on solid footing. They had taken care of the RoundUp attack by thoroughly washing and rinsing the toxin from the orchard. There was some worry that by doing the washing, they were just diluting the poison into the roots of the olive trees.  

And Max was surprised two weeks later when he found bees in an old stump. He thought they must have survived the attack and found a new home. They were doing well with the bees. The honey is sold in the local market for a good profit. They had discussed what to call it and ended up with American Olive Growers Honey. Max didn’t think that was very original. He liked “Golden Grove Honey,” but Carlos and the advisors from the University of California at Davis liked the American Olive Growers Honey. 

Robert Zinn heard about the murder in the olive grove and had called Max to get the story.

Robert said, “Son, that’s quite a story. Did they find the murderer yet?”

Max replied, “Not yet, Dad. The county sheriff’s office is working on it.”

Robert replied, “You know, son, Uncle Joe is with the FBI. It would only take one phone call to get additional resources on the case.”

Max laughed, “Dad, the orchard wasn’t harmed. The dead man was high on heroin and alcohol; we fired him two years ago. Unless something else arises, I will let the local sheriff handle this.”

Robert asked, “Okay, and how are the olives and the operation?”

Max replied, “I’m impressed with how we are doing. With our new olive press, we could be competitors to the extra virgin olive oil contests now, but I think two more years will put us on top.”

Son and Dad talked longer about family and other topics.


Inez Sanchez was enjoying her teaching. She was a good teacher and getting better. Her research was going well, and she got some introductory service credit (and pay) for helping out in the campus women’s support office under the Dean of Students. 

She was what is termed “ABD” - all but dissertation. Her dissertation advisor liked her first three chapters - the introduction, the literature review (117 pages), and her research proposal (which had been approved by her faculty committee). Her research was to get twenty additional rape cases from campuses. Her work at the women’s support office had already given her five more points.

Her work this Tuesday morning could have been faster. She was writing up her local cases as Angela Calderon, the office administrator, knocked on the frame of her open door.  

Angela said, “Hi, Inez. Could you talk to a student?”

Inez answered, “I sure can. Send them in.”

Inez looked up and exclaimed, “Good Morning, Tina! What brings you here?”

Tina Martinez was surprised, “Dr. Sanchez, I didn’t know you worked here too?”

Inez didn’t correct Tina, who had called her “Dr. Sanchez.” She wasn’t “Dr.” yet, but maybe soon.

Inez smiled, “Great to see you, Tina!!! What’s up?”

Tina answered, “I’ve been seeing Dr. Harris, but I guess she is out today, and the receptionist brought me to you.”

Inez responded, “C’mon in, let’s chat. Would you like a cup of coffee or a bottle of water?”

Tina smiled and answered, “A bottle of water would be great!!.”

Inez left and returned with a bottle of water for Tina and a cup of coffee for herself. The coffee mugs in this office were woman-related with messages like I am a woman, hear me roar, I am strong, If you can’t be nice, then be silent, Girl Power, Women Win. Today, Inez picked a mug with two women holding hands that said, “Love is Love.”

She handed the water to Tina and sat in a chair next to Tina. (She knew being behind her desk prevented open conversation.)

Inez asked, “How are you doing? I really appreciate you in my class.” 

Tina blushed. “Thank you. I’m enjoying your class - when I make it.”

She added, “Can I talk personally and privately with you?”

Inez slid forward on her chair and nodded, ‘Okay.’


Tina stared at the floor for a minute. “I’ve been in an abusive situation. I’m a server in a bar in Durham. A nice-looking man came in about four months ago, and I took his order. It was a slow night, and I ended up talking with him. He was a foreman on an olive farm. Well, I thought that was interesting. He didn’t have a ring or anything. He had a tattoo on his arm, “God is Love.” 

“He was back two nights later and smiled when he saw me. I asked him about his olive farm. He said it was the Olive Branch Farm. The olives were doing well. They had pruned some branches that day, and he was tired and had a beer. We talked off and on as I had other customers. He only had one beer. As he was leaving, he came to me and said he had to return to the farm that night to supervise the watering. I was suspicious and asked him if he was married. He said, “No, no woman would want him.” I thought that was strange as he seemed nice to me.

“He returned about twice in the next week and had one beer. On the third time, he asked if he could date me. I wasn’t dating anybody then. I had dated Tim for about a year, but he had joined the Navy. 

“He seemed nice, a bit older. So, I said he could take me to a movie.

“We went to the movie. He paid for the tickets, some popcorn, and soft drinks. He didn’t try to make any moves on me, although he patted my arm at some of the scenes. Then we went to an ice cream place and had a shake. It was a lovely night. I gave him my number.

“He called two days later to ask if I wanted to go Kayaking on the Feather River. That sounded like fun, and we went kayaking. At the end, he kissed me on the cheek.

“For the next month, he invited me for lots of little things - kayaking, hiking, movies, ice cream, and by the end of the month, we were passionately kissing and making out. He started to fondle my breasts, and that excited me. He pulled my hand to his groin and was getting excited, too.  

“Tina stopped for a minute. “Dr. Sanchez, I’m not proud, and we made love in my apartment the next time. Soon, we were having sex four nights a week. He always wore a condom, and I am on the pill, so we were protected (so I thought).  

“The first time he hit me was about a month later. He wanted sex, and it was my period, and I said NO. He called me a bitch and slapped me across my cheek. Immediately, he was sorry and cried, saying I’m so sorry; I don’t know what came over me.

“But things just kept getting rougher. More slaps, more demanding that I do certain things. 

Tina hung her head, “I should have known better, but I was trapped. After a third month, he hit me most times we were together and then was so contrite and sorry afterward. He told me he loved me and wanted to marry me. But, when he was being mean, he said things like if you leave me bitch, I’ll follow you and get you.

“He wanted me to do - ah - oral sex on him. I don’t like that. I don’t like the taste; I don’t like the experience. I said no. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head to his waist, and said do it bitch. I did it, and I immediately threw up on him. He made me clean it up. 

“Tina started to cry, then heavier and heavier. “It was awful, Dr. Sanchez, terrible, horrible; I began to hate him. I made up excuses why I couldn’t be with him. I told him my nephew was having a birthday party in Chico, and I drove to Chico, and he was following me in his car. I visited my brother’s house, and he parked his vehicle 100 yards away. Then he followed me home. He yelled at me - you lied to me bitch, there was no party going on. I’m going to have to hurt you for lying to me. I thought he was going to kill me.  

“He lit a cigarette and then burned a spot on my breast with the cigarette - and he laughed. He whooped it up. No man will want you - I’ve marked you as mine.

Tina stopped, got out of her chair, and closed the door to Inez’s office. Tina Martina pulled up her top and bra to show Inez the scar on her right breast where Juan had burned her with his cigarette.

Inez gasped. That’s definitely abuse. 

Tina started to cry. Tina lowered her head and said, “Then I found out the jerk was married and had a son.” 

“He kept lying to me - saying he loved me and as soon as he got some money, they would get married and have a house. 

Inez shuttered and said, “Men can be such pigs.” 

Inez asked, “Are you still with him?” 

Tina sat up straighter at this. “no, he was killed last week in Durham. 

Something flashed in Inez’s brain. 

Inez asked, “Did he ever rape you?”

Tina replied, “Early on, it was consensual sex,”” but as he got more aggressive, he became forceful. Twice, he threw down and forced himself on me. Then, he was always so sorry, so contrite- just like Jekyll and Hyde. 

Inez got out of her chair and put her arms around Tina. “Oh Tina, I’m glad he is dead - what a terrible man. 

Tina started to sob again. “I thought we’d have a future together until I discovered he was cheating on his wife. He would cheat on me as soon as he could. He’d knock me up, and while I was pregnant he’d go out and sweet-talk some innocent girl again. Inez asked, what was his name? 

Tina said “Juan Garza”.

Again, something flashed in Inez’s brain.

Inez sat down again and asked, “Where did the murder occur?”

Tina looked puzzled, “I’m pretty sure it was in Durham - my hometown. They had it on the news a couple of days ago.”

Inez got on her computer and searched for Juan Garza. Bingo found the television news report, including a picture of Juan Garza.

She turned the screen toward Tina with the picture. “Was this the man?”

Tina answered quickly, “Yes, that’s him.”

Inez asked, “Do you know how he died?”

Tina thought for a second. “No, I really don’t know how he died. But I’m glad the weasel is dead.”

Inez read through the article on the screen. It didn’t say how he died or where he died. 

Inez asked, “Tina, was this scoundrel on drugs?”

Tina answered, “I don’t know. He could have been; he was charming and thoughtful at times and so much cruel at other times. When I kissed him, I don’t remember any different tastes on his lips.”

Inez, remembering some kind from a biology class, asked, “Was he thirsty, particularly on the days he was cruel?”

Tina sat thoughtfully for a second. “Yes, of the times he was mean and cruel, he frequently had a bottle of water or got water from my refrigerator. Yay, I think he was more thirsty when he was mean. Why did you ask?”

Inez answered, “I was remembering something that heavy drug users frequently were thirsty.”  

Inez asked, “How did you find out about his wife and child?”

Tina said, “I was all entirely innocent. We generally went to my apartment for our dates - his lie was that he lived with a couple of guys, and we really couldn’t make out at his apartment. For other dates, we drove to Chico for dinner or whatever.  

Tina continued, “I got a seasonal job for Amazon delivering packages. And one day, I had a package for Yesenia Garza at 114 Florida Lane. I knocked at the door, and a lady, maybe just a little older than me, answered, and I gave her the package. I innocently asked if she knew Juan Garza; she said he was her husband. Well, Juan is a common enough name, and so is Garza, but she had a wedding picture of herself and Juan - and … it most definitely was him.  

“I asked Yesenia if Juan had a tattoo of “God is Love” - and she was surprised and said that he did and how I knew. I lied and told my boyfriend worked at the same olive grove and that I had seen the tattoo.  

“Yesenia bemoaned that as the foreman for the olive orchard, he had to work many nights and weekends, but the pay was good. So, now, I understood he was lying to his wife about his time and lying to me about not being married. 

 Tina was crying again. Inez understood and offered Tina tissues out of a box on her desk. Tina wiped her eyes and blew her nose.  

Then, Tina looked at her iPhone - it was time for her next class. Tina jumped up and hugged Inez. “Dr. Sanchez, this has been so good for me. I just had to get this out and tell somebody. I’m glad he is gone - I suppose I shouldn’t be - but he was a mean, terrible man.”

Tina grabbed her purse and bookbag and was out of the office, almost running down the hall.


Inez Sanchez called her partner, Louise Larkner.

Louise answered, “Hi, Sweetheart, what’s up?”

Inez asked, “What was the name of the man killed in the olive garden?”

Louise answered, “His name was Juan Garza.


End of week six




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