Saturday, September 16, 2023



SEPTEMBER 17, 2023


Marching right along into September.  It has been a little cooler and cooler and we had rain!!!

Texas beat Wyoming in college football. 

Yes, my Wesleyan days are numbered, but one family has hired me to see their Mom twice weekly as an independent contractor.  

The Georgetown FireAnts are helping two new Granny Basketball Teams get started.  We are scrimmaging the Killeen G-Force on Wednesday, the 23rd in Killeen. And the newest team - the Ft. Worth Cowtown Heifers will host us on Friday the 29th.  (If the term heifer is not part of your vocabulary: Before a cow becomes a cow, they are actually called heifers. Heifers are female cattle who have yet to give birth. Heifers are raised on the farm until they reach the appropriate age and weight to reproduce. Once the heifer has had her first calf, she becomes a cow.)  (I’m personally not sure they will continue with that name!!)


What would bears be without bees?

How much does a pirate pay for corn?
A buccaneer.

What did the mayonnaise say when the refrigerator door was opened?
Close the door, I’m dressing.

How does a squid go into battle?
Well armed.

What do you call a shoe made out of a banana?
A slipper.

Why couldn’t the toilet paper cross the road?
Because it got stuck in a crack.

What lies at the bottom of the sea shaking?
A nervous wreck.

How do you stop a bull from charging?
Cancel its credit card.

What’s a skeleton’s favorite musical instrument?
The trom-bone.

What disease do you get when you put up the Christmas decorations?

How do billboards talk?
Sign language.

What do you call an unpredictable camera?
A loose Canon.

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

I got my best friend a fridge for his birthday.
I can’t wait for his face to light up when he opens it.

Why was the sand wet?
Because the sea weed.

How did the barber win the race?
He knew a short cut.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot.

When is a door not a door?
When it’s ajar.

Why is corn such a good listener?
Because it’s all ears.

What do you call a pile of cats?
A meow-ntain.

Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
In case he got a hole-in-one.

Why did the chicken cross the playground?
To get to the other slide.

What did the first plate say to the second plate?
Dinner’s on me.

What did the football coach say to the broken vending machine?
Give me my quarterback.

Why can’t you trust the king of the jungle?
Because he’s always lion.

When is a car not a car?
When it turns into a street.

How does a rancher keep track of his cattle?
With a cow-culator.

Have you heard about the pregnant bed bug?
She’s going to have her baby in the spring.



This is Suicide Prevention Week.  In Australia, Friday is R-U-OK day.  R U OK? focuses on building the help-giver's motivation, confidence, and skills, especially in quickly recognizing suicidal ideations. The organization contributes to suicide prevention efforts by encouraging people to invest more time in their relationships and build an informal support network — friends, family, and colleagues. It is more about developing one’s skills as a helper than asking for help when needed. Are You Okay Day also tries to remove the stigma of mental illnesses.

Do you have friends who might be considering ending their life?  Build a relationship where you can call and ask, “Are you Okay?”

(Very personal aside - I spent four days in the Rock Springs facility on SE Inner Loop in 2019 with thoughts of suicide and what was my value)


Monday (two days ago) was Patriot Day - with the memory of the September 11th attacks.  I think Hate won on that day, but in the long run, we need to work on having LOVE WIN!!

Tuesday was ENCOURAGEMENT DAY - (see if I ever jump to 3NT if Vickie bids 1NT <grin>).

Today is POSITIVE THINKING DAY (okay, I was a bit too positive thinking on that crazy 3NT bid!!)


The Bluebonnet Orchestra will have our fall concert on Sunday, October 8th, at 3:00 in Pfluger Park - 515 City Park Road, Pflugerville TX.  It is FREE!!!  (We will have a bucket if you’d like to contribute)

The Program includes favorites like:

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones) Theme
Liberty Fanfare (for the rededication of the Statue of Liberty)
Seventy-Six Trombones (from Music Man)
Big Band Medley (six Big Band pieces)
Take Five (from Dave Brubeck Jazz group)
American Salute (variations on When Johnny Comes Marching Home)
Brahms Hungarian Dance #5
Stars and Stripes Forever

Have an awesome week!!!

Karen White

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