Tuesday, September 5, 2023



This week, I’m writing about FUN!!!

Fun is defined as light-hearted pleasure, enjoyment, or amusement. It can also mean boisterous merriment, merrymaking, or entertainment. For example, you might say, “The twins were fun to have around,” or “Picnics are great fun.”

Fun can also be an adjective to describe something as amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable. For example, you might say, “She’s full of fun”.

Fun is using your creativity to do something. Fun can be challenging. It can involve significant effort. Fun usually consists of discovering something new about yourself.



First - we have to become actors and actresses.

Do you remember the fun times as kids when you did a little backyard play or did a skit at school? One of my earliest pictures is of my sister dressing me up as a bride - I had a tiara, some kind of white outfit. (I’m not sure if my sister did it all).  

I played various parts in church and school activities. Yes, I was in Christmas pageants - from being a shepherd to a wise man, even an innkeeper. (I don’t remember ever being Mary or Joseph).  

In junior high school, I got involved with theater. I mostly did the technical side of theater then - lights, sets, moving things around between acts. My first real acting was in a play. There was a cast - who somehow went on strike; a second cast was organized, and when the actual play started on the stage, there were both casts on the stage - two people saying the same lines, standing in the same places (and giving glares to the other person playing the same part). 

In high school, I got more involved - never a big star - but little parts (including being Father Abraham in The Skin of Our Teeth and having a line in Hebrew.  I was Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Or Our Town or other plays. (I earned enough points to become a high school thespian troupe member). 

And in college. (I still get reminders for the Wenona Players alum gatherings.)

To be fun - you might have to act fun!!! Smile, laugh, be friendly.  

There is a slogan: “Fake it until you make it.” If you are tired of being a sourpuss, try being fun-loving. ACT THE PART


If you want to be fun - you have to let go. (And, letting go can be tricky). 

“Another way to have fun alone is to leave your comfort zone. Think about the most common staples of your day-to-day routine. Then, find a day to do the complete opposite, something you never thought you would do, no matter how silly or out-of-character.


There have been times when it has been like being a tightrope walker without a net. In the third Indiana Jones movie, Indy has to find the “cup of Christ - the holy grail.” He has three things to complete - one of which is to step out in faith. He comes to a chasm - it is too far to jump. There are no ropes or ladders - and he must get to the other side. He has to “step out in faith” - it doesn’t seem that there is any way across. As he steps, he can fall hundreds of feet onto jagged rocks and die. He bolsters his courage and steps into nothingness. But there is an undetectable path there.  

Vulnerability means being weak, without protection, and easily hurt physically or emotionally. I WAS VULNERABLE AND OPEN TO CRITICISM when I said I wanted to become a woman. Columbus was vulnerable when he decided to sail west to find the East Indies. People laughed at me and Columbus. I stepped back.  

You might get laughed at, criticized, humbled, and hurt if you want to have fun.  

I decided to try crocheting. I got some yard and a hook and went to an ongoing class at the library. Some people looked at me like I was stupid.  


So, being fun (from Karen’s book of tricks):

Be an actor or actress.

Fake it until you make it.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Be vulnerable - open and exposed.


Do you want to be fun? Are you willing to try?  

Or … will you stay as a timid person on the sidelines? 

Do you want to be a sourpuss? Or you’re willing to try new things?

Think it over.


LOVE TRANSFORMS (from a sourpuss to a sweetheart)



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