Monday, September 4, 2023



I remember an acquaintance who wasn’t much fun. This person rarely laughed and didn’t smile much.  She wasn’t necessarily a sour puss but rarely seemed to enjoy life.

We happened to be together visiting mutual friends, and one of their children blurted out, “She’s no fun.”

So, how does one become fun and avoid being a sour puss?

“Who doesn't like to be around fun people? Fun people exude a vibe that lifts the mood of those they contact. They're usually happy-go-lucky, and their positive energy makes you wonder if they ever have a bad day.”  (Ideas adapted from:  )

For me, it is an attitude.  My father was always kidding and joking around.  Our cousins in Alabama would call and ask, “Say something funny, Uncle Woody.” People automatically liked my father.  I have a little of my father and mother in me.  My mother was also fun, but not to the level my father was.  

For those of you who know me, you would probably label me as an “extrovert.”  But, I can also be introverted - and I think I am growing more into the introverted role (more later on that).


I laugh a lot - I smile a lot.  I am fun, at least outside of my apartment. Inside my apartment, I do laugh (at myself) at some of my ineptitude.  “Now, where did I put my coffee cup?” (when it is in my hand!!  

My favorite chair for writing faces two things on my wall.  One is Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” - which generally puts a big smile on my face. (By the way, I saw the actual painting at the Yale Art Museum several years ago).  That painting is FUN. There aren’t many straight lines in it. I wonder what he was thinking about as he painted it.  The other is my poster of Micah 6:8 - Love Justice, Show Mercy, Be Humble; Love my Neighbor, LOVE WINS. That, too, speaks to my heart as the philosophy of Love Wins grows stronger in me every day.  Both are rather unique, and I try to be unique.



In the article, the authors suggest “Be More Approachable.” What does that mean?  Do I wear a sign “I’m nice?”

Story.  I think I’m at my best at the grocery store!!  (HUH?) I make eye contact, smile, and say, “Hi.”  I notice that most people smile back.  

Story.  At the nursing home, I visit one person.  Walking down the halls, I say “hi” to everybody. In the cafeteria, people smile and wave at me (and, of course, I wave back). 

Story. The other day, a lady approached me at the grocery store (I don’t look like an employee) and asked, “Do you know where the prunes are?”.  I didn’t, but I had my phone and had the app for the store, and I found the prunes were in aisle 12 - and off she went.  

(Sometimes, I want to get into the store, get my items, and get out.  But to be fun, I need to be approachable!!!)

‘The secret of becoming a people magnet, in this case, is to relax and give off a pleasant and energetic aura. People are more likely to approach you if they think you're friendly, easy-going, and comfortable.

“Your welcoming presence will automatically prompt them to let their guards down and openly converse with you. Beaming with positive energy and happy facial expressions gives them unspoken permission to be themselves around you.”



If you want to be FUN - you need to be in situations where you can be fun.  That is my bridge group, granny basketball group, orchestra, German band, and work.  At work, I can be a clown (at times).  The other day, I had a headband with two antennae.  (Okay, we used to call them “pipe cleaners”). The old folks in the cafeteria enjoyed my silliness (and fun).  



Okay, I don’t want to write about being vulnerable.  I follow Simon and Garfunkle's advice: “I am a rock, I am an island.  

And a rock feels no pain,

And an island never cries.”

“To be open is the opposite of appearing closed off or aloof. Have you ever noticed that showing vulnerability by opening up about your personal experiences, challenges, and mistakes breaks down the defense of others? That's exactly what will make you appear captivating. Your listeners will be all ears and grow more curious about you as you share your inner thoughts and feelings.

People also find openness and transparency attractive because it helps build trust. They'll realize you're totally relatable and may jump at the opportunity to share their own stories, even dark secrets. Before you know it, you are all having an enjoyable conversation, exchanging ideas, or sharing personal experiences.


FUN is an attitude - FUN is a cousin to happiness and joy!!!!


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