Saturday, August 31, 2024



(Maybe Saturday, August 31!! I started this on Tuesday, August 27, and just haven’t finished it.)

 ““n everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”” The Golden Rule is also expressed in a negative form: ““Do not do to others as you would not like them to do to you.””

Labor Day is the following Monday (September 2, 2024).  

Economic theory has four production factors: labor, land, management, and capital. Looking at labor, that typically means human labor. With computing and technology, some jobs or parts of jobs are done by technology. Weather forecasts use large amounts of data. Robots help assemble cars. Robotic arms pick items in warehouses without human intervention, scan, label, and stage the items for delivery.  

All four production factors are interesting, but I want to discuss labor with Labor Day on the horizon.

The significant difference between humans and technology/robots is that technology can work 24/7/365, while humans generally work 8-hour days and five days a week. Humans need sleep; robots don’tdon’tere is a cost differential between humans and technology. Humans expect to get paid. We expect eight-hour days, a five-day week, time off for holidays and vacation, plus lunch hours, coffee breaks, and time to talk to our co-workers. 

In most companies, the most significant cost is labor!!! For management (or stockholders or owners) to make more money, they want to cut payroll down (that is, pay labor less). Management says, “Pay the “workers less, fill our pockets.”

One” reat solution in terms of greed is slavery. In slavery, owners can get the work done for almost free. In pre-Civil War, plantation owners enslaved people. Slaves were not necessarily free. There were food, clothing, housing, health, and other costs. But, if the enslavers could minimize the expenses, they would make more. Give the workers substandard housing and cheap food, and don’t provide healthcare (let them die off).  

We also had an era when the rich had servants (think Downton Abbey), and servants were slightly above slaves.  

It is part of “man’s inhumanity to fellow man.” Wars are so useless. Younger men fought traditional wars while the old rulers watched on the sidelines. And justify the wars. I grew up hearing (and not quite believing) the expression, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”

Of course, laborers want more money. “I’m worth more, “I’m minimum wage.” Management ha” the upper hand—“take it—or leave “the job.” Over the 250 years, the United States courts and legislation have helped create a fairer society.

My community has an IHOP (International House of Pancakes). I don’t know the situation, but It seems like there just aren’t enough servers, cooks, or busboys. If I went to IHOP at an off hour, people might be waiting 45 minutes to get a table in the central part of the restaurant—with more empty tables than full tables. I’m not sure if management doesn’t want to doesn’t or if the workers are expected to do more than servers in similar situations.  

Labor can be challenging. I never worked as a manual laborer (for money anyway). Building houses, roads, roofing, and painting never came my way. (I did manual labor during college summers, delivering furniture and working in a warehouse.)Labor can be a tricky balance—pay people enough to live, and you risk setting the amount too high for your customers. Too low, and you have turnover. Generally, you want happy employees who are just under the breaking point of your economic structure.

And, (of course), management needs to treat employees - “In everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you.”..  Fairness, kindness”, and love - can all be a part of the labor situation - but it isn’t always easy to please people.



Karen Anne White, August 31, 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024



4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will repeat it: Rejoice! 

5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy——think about such things. 


A lot of life is ATTITUDE.  These verses from chapter 4 of Philippians help me structure my attitude.

Verse 4 - Always rejoice (always doesn’t mean sometimes, or when you think about it - it means at all times and places).

Have you got a flat tire?  Rejoice.

Did you get a bank notice that you have been overdrawn? Rejoice.

Are you getting kicked out of your house/apartment for non-payment?  Rejoice.

Do you have cancer?  Rejoice.

Have you got a speeding ticket? Rejoice.

Fallen in Love?  Definitely Rejoice.



Verse 5 -  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 

Gentleness, kindness, loving, forgiving, and pleasant to be with.  Don’t be a crab, don’t complain, don’t fight.


Verse 6:  Do not be anxious about anything. In every situation, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God by prayer and petition. 

Worry does nothing for you - it causes stress.  The other day, I misplaced my phone.  At first, I was worried.  Finally, I prayed and decided if it was lost and never to be found - so what?  Worrying about it doesn’t do anything.  [And, when I got home, it was in the usual place - but I had put something over it.]

I know some “worrywarts” - let’s take a big one - What if an asteroid smacks into the Earth and kills half the population?  So what?  I’m going to die anyway.  What if I get cancer?  So what?  I’m going to die anyway.  “Don’t worry, be happy”.


Verse 7 -  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

This is the deep, perfect peace—peace deeper than you and I can imagine. It is like swimming in a beautiful lake of peace, having the best dream and deepest sleep you have ever had.


Verse 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy——think about such things. 

What is in your mind?  Worry, anxiety, evil thoughts, hatred, greed, lust, murder, and more?

Fix your mind to the beauty here - whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, DO IT.

Life is awesome - but time spent worrying is just wasted.  (And, If I wanted to waste time I’d play a computer game, Sudoku, Words With Friends.  Yes, I do get down occasionally - but I fight it.

The old Mad Magazine had Alfred E. Neuman as its character, and he is noted for saying, “WHAT, ME WORRY?”

Saturday, August 24, 2024



Okay - puzzles.

These are word puzzles (or “Wuzzles’)


Last Dance

For Crying Out Loud (the word ‘loud’ is outside the box)

Inground Pool

No TV for a Week  (the letters TV are missing and there are four “a week”)

High Frequency

Sit ups

Forgive and Forget

Back Door

Go on a Double Date

Almost Impossible

Afternoon Tea

Not in Use

You can count on it

Foot in the door

No can do

Honest to goodness  (The words goodness are “on” honest) 

Way overpriced

Living on a shoestring




Karen White

August 25, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024



(You can't see the happy tears flowing down my face - holding Abby and Leah for the first time, March 2013)


I was born 77 years ago today. As I say, “I was born at a young age.” 

It has been a wild ride.  “Who woulda thought?”.

Seemingly, I was a sickly kid.  I apologize to my wonderful big sister - I think my parents pampered me since they had lost a son (who was a twin to my sister).  

I’ve been told that I was hospitalized when I was maybe two years old - and my parents stopped visiting me.  Seemingly, I screamed bloody murder when they left, and the hospital staff suggested that was really hurting my recovery.  

Cedar Rapids was a great place to grow up at the time. My world was small and revolved around Iowa and Cedar Rapids. We didn’t have television until I was maybe eight years old. My parents both worked (good work ethic—perhaps that is why I’m still working at age 77).  I loved to read books; I loved being outside.  

I can’t say I was a good student. I was an average student—not at the top and not at the bottom of the class—and generally not concerned about grades. It was what kids did.  I vaguely remember some of my elementary teachers (and only one by name). I walked to school every day. I was about a mile one way.  I don’t remember sidewalks.  It was what it was - don’t question anything.  I didn’t get in trouble at school, nor was I praised.

With grandparents about a mile away, I had my own world. We went to Sunday School and Church every Sunday at Trinity Methodist Church: a life of school, home, church, reading and play.  

In high school, I was also just average. I did great in Math (and was the Jefferson High School winner in the Citywife Math contest), but I was not at the top of the school district. It was like being on the moving walkway at the airport—get on, walk along, and get off when it stopped.  

My parents invested in me (I think more than my sister). I took Saturday German lessons for a couple of years and went to a theater class for a while.  I learned chess, and it was better than average.  

I changed considerably in college.  I became a student and worked to get good grades.  I was a “big man” on campus in various organizations.

In many respects, I was shy. I didn’t date in high school, and even in college, asking a girl out was one of the scariest things in my world. I could (and probably would) be rejected.  


Ah, memories - too many to write about, and not very exciting.  

Life is good, my friends, life is very good.

As I become 77 today, I hope I’ve helped others.  I loved teaching (if there were something I could teach, I’d jump at the opportunity).  

Will I be remembered? Maybe by some students, maybe by some friends. Maybe my grandchildren will wonder where I went in 2018. Hopefully, we will all be together someday and laugh at the experience.


Today, I’m with a friend who wants to celebrate my birthday. We are in San Antonio for two days. I am writing this early, but we are planning on taking a boat ride, sightseeing, and remembering the Alamo. Thank you, KW, for celebrating this day with me.


I love you all - I am compelled to love you!!!  “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and “You can only love God as much as the person you love the least.”  Agape love, unconditional love.

Yes, LOVE does WIN - not money, not power, not greed, not importance, but LOVE.

And yes, love does transform a person—and I’m still learning and growing on my “new” adventure. God is Great!!!

Karen Anne White, August 24, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



I was wondering “when”?

And, yes, I’m ready “*&*#&%*#*$(*%$#$#(((%*$#@&$&*^%^#”

Okay, I’m better.  <grin>

Yes, in mid to late August I have to SCREAM!!  

It really has been a reasonable summer.  Sure, there have been a few hot days, but really not as many as some summers in Texas.  Tuesday it was 107 degrees; yesterday it was 105 degrees.  The forecast for the next few days is for 100+ temperatures.  

But, here it is - the 22nd day of August 2024 - and this is the day to scream “enough” heat.  I’m ready to take a walk outside in the neighborhood (and not at 4:00 a.m. when it is only 85 degrees).  

But I know enough earth science to know “This too shall pass”.  In a month the amount of day and the amount of night will balance (fall equinox).  I know that until December 21st, the amount of daylight hours will shink.  

But, for a couple more days, I’m screaming - it is TOO HOT.


I live in a brick apartment building.  My apartment is facing east.  My poor plants on my patio are also screaming - “water me”, “move me out of the sun”, “take me inside”.  

Day after day, the sun warms those bricks, and night after night, the bricks give off their heat - but they just can’t keep up.  The buildings get warmer and warmer.  

I’m avoiding getting the mail.  (I have to walk outside to a central mail location).  I’m avoiding the walk, not because it is too far or hot.  I’m avoiding the walk because I’ll soon get my electric bill by mail - which might be close to $100,000 for running my air conditioner.  (Okay, that’s hype).  

South Dakota, I long for you!!  Minnesota, this is a great time to go to the Boundry Waters and rent a canoe.  


But … the days are getting shorter.  Winter is coming!!!  


Ah, winter in Texas. Here, I harass my northern friends with questions like “How was it yesterday?” and “How much snow did you get?”  Sure, we’ll get a few days where the overnight temperature is under 32 degrees (aka ‘freezing”).  But most days will be in the 50s (or even 60s) for the high temperatures.

I guess I’m getting soft in my old age. It's time to take a five-mile hike outside!!


Ah yes.

I’m going outside now and make a snow angel in the dead grass!!!



Karen Anne White, August 22, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Today - a focus on State Fairs!!

I grew up in Iowa - a predominantly agricultural state - and attended the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.  And the Minnesota State Fair in St. Paul, Minnesota.  And the South Dakota State Fair in Huron.  And the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island.  (And, on a small scale, the “All-Iowa Fair” in Cedar Rapids). 

Even though I didn’t grow up on a farm, I knew enough about agriculture.


The State Fair I know the best is the Nebraska State Fair (in a different kind of way).  

For many years, the Nebraska State Fair was in Lincoln, Nebraska. The University of Nebraska (where I got my PhD) is also a land-grant agricultural university. The mission of a land-grant university is to support the state and, in particular, agriculture.  

However, the University of Nebraska needed the location for other activities. A proposal was made to move the Nebraska State Fair to Grand Island.

My son (Steve White) is the lead reporter for KHGI television in Grand Island.  When the proposal first surfaced, he covered the news.  He attended State Fair and Grand Island City Council meetings when the fair was discussed.  He was there from “day one”.  As a result, some of his colleagues called him “Mr. State Fair.” 

He covered the building of the animal barns, the midway, the exhibits, and more.  When the fair arrives, he emcees the opening ceremony.  It is a very fitting title to be “Mr. State Fair”!!!


Nebraska is NOT Texas. Steve is on a first-name basis with the Nebraska Governor, Senators, Representatives, and most officials in the state. When I have visited the State Fair, and the governor is there, I’ve been introduced to him on at least three occasions (and the governor has remembered me—of course, I’m standing next to Steve).


I make a point of visiting the animal barns. I walk through the cattle (and other barns) and smell the aroma. There are frequently teenagers there brushing off their animals to compete for “best of show” in the 4H animals category.  

There is a birthing room where animals that are expecting offspring during the fair are penned up.  One sow gave birth to twelve piglets (talk about bringing home the bacon).  The sow was separated from the piglets by a steel grate.  Mama was huge and could roll over on top of the tiny piglets.

The 4-H displays are also interesting - from sewing projects to honey production to photography and art.  My grandchildren are in 4-H (although they are in town).  “Head, Heart, Hands, and Health” are the four Hs in 4‑H.  


As a rural state, live entertainment is limited.  But, at the 2024 Nebraska State Fair, you can be entertained by Casting Crowns, Gatlin Brothers, The Little River Band, Riley Green, and Los Huracanes del Norte.  (I’ve heard of some of those groups!!!)

There are horse races, car races, and demolition derbies (the last car running wins). There are also lots of food booths. 

My son writes about his favorite food items. 

Anything from the Beef Pit

Brisket from Cactus Jacks

United Way ice cream is reasonably priced

Lutheran school sells pie

Hardenbrook’s old-fashioned stand. The red cup is the cheapest way to drink pop.

Banana Man — fried Twinkies and Oreos

Papa Tom is a hidden gem. Located on the backside of the cattle barn

I’m a sucker for the University of Nebraska dairy store  (I am too!!!_

My kids will eat all the free popcorn. Case IH always has it fresh at their booth.

The lemon shakeup stand run by the kids from South Africa is always good.

(C’mon - you must try deep-fried Twinkies at least once in your life!!)


I haven’t been to the Texas State Fair.  I somehow guess it isn’t the downhome, rural fair that Nebraska and South Dakota are.  


The Minnesota State Fair is both an urban and rural fair.  If you ever attend, you can see a sculpture made out of butter (I suppose it is “Land of Lakes” butter!!) 


Too many years ago, I rode on a steam tractor at the Wapsipinicon County Fair.


Yes - to me,, the end of summer also means State Fair time.



Karen Anne White, August 21, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024



Radio changed the world.


The 20th century is defined by several technological breakthroughs, including radio and television. But before the advent of television, the radio made it possible for people worldwide to learn about each other through news, music, dramas, interviews, and even stories.

The invention of the radio had a more lasting effect on society than most other media ever will. That’s because radio is not just one medium; it is hundreds if not thousands, of different formats all rolled into one.
As we look back on the legacy of this incredible invention, it is essential to recognize the inventors who made it possible and the impact their work has had on the world. Let’s dig into the history of radio.
We all know that radio is a wireless mode of communication. In simple terms, radio io sends messages by radio waves to other devices instead of wires.
Radio made its debut years before World War II. It was mainly used for maritime and aircraft navigation to transmit messages via Morse code. However, during World War II, it became the most popular medium for spreading propaganda news, advertisements, and other entertainment, like music and drama.

As the first successful wireless communication system, the radio played a crucial role in modern communication and led to the development of cable and satellite communication. The invention didn’t just bring people together; it brought them close. The fact that so many programs could be heard simultaneously on one station meant freedom was possible — freedom to move away from your community and experience new things together, whether they were from your own region or from far-off regions.
This was when education and entertainment fused, and people began to realize that there was a whole world in front of them—all thanks to the device that allowed them to learn about other cultures and societies from the comfort of their homes.
Radio has a long and fascinating history and has evolved into an incredibly diverse medium. From old-fashioned AM radio to modern satellite and internet streaming radios, there is much out there to experience. Whether you are looking for music, news, sports, or anything else, radio will likely have what you are looking for.
The invention of the radio had a more lasting effect on society than most other media ever will. That’s because radio is not just one medium; hundreds, if not thousands, of different formats all rolled into one: reading propaganda news, advertisements, and other entertainment, like music and drama..rams could be heard simultaneously on one station, which meant freedom was possible — freedom to move away from your community and experience new things together, whether they were from your own region or from far off areas..

In the early 1960s, radio took off for me—with Rock and Roll. There were two rad stations in Cedar Rapids: WMT, the more giant station, and KCRG.

WMT was the CBS affiliate and played very little music but had interviews, news, sports, and weather. In terms of sports, I listen to WMT for Iowa Basketball games. Music, when played as more big band and pop - Frank Sinatra, Bing Cosby, Dean Martin, and similar artists.’

Now, WMT was part of my upbringing. Every noon, they h a 15 minute show with Dean Lanfeur - which was live from their studio on the fourth floor of the Paramount Theater building. That was a half undoubtedly from the Dixie Candy store. In the summer, I would frequently go to the program. I once won a set of stainless steel knives from that program.

If the radio was on in our house (which it frequently was), it was on WMT.

On the opposite side of town was KCRG, the country station. I can’t tell you much about KCRG—my family didn’t listen n to the country!

In the early 1960s, as Rock and Roll grew, I started to listen to KXEL out of Waterloo - because my friends were listening to that station. I was precocious, and my sister was into Rock and Roll before I was.

[Aside, my sister (three years older) and her friend snuck myself and a brother to the friend into the Beatles movie - “A Hard Day Night” at the drive-in theater. We were in the trunk (before trunks were built with mechanisms to get out). Once they had parked, they let us out. We “cheated” to drive in theater of income - unchristian!!!]

Beth (my sister) was an early Beatles fan. WMT and KCRG didn’t play the Beatles, but KXEL did (along with the other rock favorites).

When I went to college in 1965, “all” the students were listening to KWNO. There were three colleges in Winona, Minnesota, and rock and roll was big—it took over the campuses. If I wasn’t in class, I studied. My best studying was quietly, but I did listen to a lot of radio.

In the summers, back in Iowa, it was KXEL again. As I drove to work, I listened.

After college, I found stations that played rock and roll. My car radio was set to about three rock stations.

But after getting married and teaching, I didn’t listen to the radio that much. This was pretty much after 1973 (the year Connie and I got married).

Now, in my car, I rarely listen to standard radio. I listen to a local classical station and Sirius XM radio (Beatles, 60s gold, and 70s gold - and the Symphony Hall presets).

I also listen to audiobooks and symphonies in the car, using the Hoopla library application.

There are very few times the radio is off in the car.

So, National Radio Day brings good memories into my brain.

I heard (and believed) radio songs. “All you need is love,” and I can sing most of the lyrics, and now, I try to let:


Karen Anne White, August 19, 2024.