Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Today - a focus on State Fairs!!

I grew up in Iowa - a predominantly agricultural state - and attended the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.  And the Minnesota State Fair in St. Paul, Minnesota.  And the South Dakota State Fair in Huron.  And the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island.  (And, on a small scale, the “All-Iowa Fair” in Cedar Rapids). 

Even though I didn’t grow up on a farm, I knew enough about agriculture.


The State Fair I know the best is the Nebraska State Fair (in a different kind of way).  

For many years, the Nebraska State Fair was in Lincoln, Nebraska. The University of Nebraska (where I got my PhD) is also a land-grant agricultural university. The mission of a land-grant university is to support the state and, in particular, agriculture.  

However, the University of Nebraska needed the location for other activities. A proposal was made to move the Nebraska State Fair to Grand Island.

My son (Steve White) is the lead reporter for KHGI television in Grand Island.  When the proposal first surfaced, he covered the news.  He attended State Fair and Grand Island City Council meetings when the fair was discussed.  He was there from “day one”.  As a result, some of his colleagues called him “Mr. State Fair.” 

He covered the building of the animal barns, the midway, the exhibits, and more.  When the fair arrives, he emcees the opening ceremony.  It is a very fitting title to be “Mr. State Fair”!!!


Nebraska is NOT Texas. Steve is on a first-name basis with the Nebraska Governor, Senators, Representatives, and most officials in the state. When I have visited the State Fair, and the governor is there, I’ve been introduced to him on at least three occasions (and the governor has remembered me—of course, I’m standing next to Steve).


I make a point of visiting the animal barns. I walk through the cattle (and other barns) and smell the aroma. There are frequently teenagers there brushing off their animals to compete for “best of show” in the 4H animals category.  

There is a birthing room where animals that are expecting offspring during the fair are penned up.  One sow gave birth to twelve piglets (talk about bringing home the bacon).  The sow was separated from the piglets by a steel grate.  Mama was huge and could roll over on top of the tiny piglets.

The 4-H displays are also interesting - from sewing projects to honey production to photography and art.  My grandchildren are in 4-H (although they are in town).  “Head, Heart, Hands, and Health” are the four Hs in 4‑H.  


As a rural state, live entertainment is limited.  But, at the 2024 Nebraska State Fair, you can be entertained by Casting Crowns, Gatlin Brothers, The Little River Band, Riley Green, and Los Huracanes del Norte.  (I’ve heard of some of those groups!!!)

There are horse races, car races, and demolition derbies (the last car running wins). There are also lots of food booths. 

My son writes about his favorite food items. 

Anything from the Beef Pit

Brisket from Cactus Jacks

United Way ice cream is reasonably priced

Lutheran school sells pie

Hardenbrook’s old-fashioned stand. The red cup is the cheapest way to drink pop.

Banana Man — fried Twinkies and Oreos

Papa Tom is a hidden gem. Located on the backside of the cattle barn

I’m a sucker for the University of Nebraska dairy store  (I am too!!!_

My kids will eat all the free popcorn. Case IH always has it fresh at their booth.

The lemon shakeup stand run by the kids from South Africa is always good.

(C’mon - you must try deep-fried Twinkies at least once in your life!!)


I haven’t been to the Texas State Fair.  I somehow guess it isn’t the downhome, rural fair that Nebraska and South Dakota are.  


The Minnesota State Fair is both an urban and rural fair.  If you ever attend, you can see a sculpture made out of butter (I suppose it is “Land of Lakes” butter!!) 


Too many years ago, I rode on a steam tractor at the Wapsipinicon County Fair.


Yes - to me,, the end of summer also means State Fair time.



Karen Anne White, August 21, 2024

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