Wednesday, August 21, 2024



I was wondering “when”?

And, yes, I’m ready “*&*#&%*#*$(*%$#$#(((%*$#@&$&*^%^#”

Okay, I’m better.  <grin>

Yes, in mid to late August I have to SCREAM!!  

It really has been a reasonable summer.  Sure, there have been a few hot days, but really not as many as some summers in Texas.  Tuesday it was 107 degrees; yesterday it was 105 degrees.  The forecast for the next few days is for 100+ temperatures.  

But, here it is - the 22nd day of August 2024 - and this is the day to scream “enough” heat.  I’m ready to take a walk outside in the neighborhood (and not at 4:00 a.m. when it is only 85 degrees).  

But I know enough earth science to know “This too shall pass”.  In a month the amount of day and the amount of night will balance (fall equinox).  I know that until December 21st, the amount of daylight hours will shink.  

But, for a couple more days, I’m screaming - it is TOO HOT.


I live in a brick apartment building.  My apartment is facing east.  My poor plants on my patio are also screaming - “water me”, “move me out of the sun”, “take me inside”.  

Day after day, the sun warms those bricks, and night after night, the bricks give off their heat - but they just can’t keep up.  The buildings get warmer and warmer.  

I’m avoiding getting the mail.  (I have to walk outside to a central mail location).  I’m avoiding the walk, not because it is too far or hot.  I’m avoiding the walk because I’ll soon get my electric bill by mail - which might be close to $100,000 for running my air conditioner.  (Okay, that’s hype).  

South Dakota, I long for you!!  Minnesota, this is a great time to go to the Boundry Waters and rent a canoe.  


But … the days are getting shorter.  Winter is coming!!!  


Ah, winter in Texas. Here, I harass my northern friends with questions like “How was it yesterday?” and “How much snow did you get?”  Sure, we’ll get a few days where the overnight temperature is under 32 degrees (aka ‘freezing”).  But most days will be in the 50s (or even 60s) for the high temperatures.

I guess I’m getting soft in my old age. It's time to take a five-mile hike outside!!


Ah yes.

I’m going outside now and make a snow angel in the dead grass!!!



Karen Anne White, August 22, 2024

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