Friday, August 23, 2024



(You can't see the happy tears flowing down my face - holding Abby and Leah for the first time, March 2013)


I was born 77 years ago today. As I say, “I was born at a young age.” 

It has been a wild ride.  “Who woulda thought?”.

Seemingly, I was a sickly kid.  I apologize to my wonderful big sister - I think my parents pampered me since they had lost a son (who was a twin to my sister).  

I’ve been told that I was hospitalized when I was maybe two years old - and my parents stopped visiting me.  Seemingly, I screamed bloody murder when they left, and the hospital staff suggested that was really hurting my recovery.  

Cedar Rapids was a great place to grow up at the time. My world was small and revolved around Iowa and Cedar Rapids. We didn’t have television until I was maybe eight years old. My parents both worked (good work ethic—perhaps that is why I’m still working at age 77).  I loved to read books; I loved being outside.  

I can’t say I was a good student. I was an average student—not at the top and not at the bottom of the class—and generally not concerned about grades. It was what kids did.  I vaguely remember some of my elementary teachers (and only one by name). I walked to school every day. I was about a mile one way.  I don’t remember sidewalks.  It was what it was - don’t question anything.  I didn’t get in trouble at school, nor was I praised.

With grandparents about a mile away, I had my own world. We went to Sunday School and Church every Sunday at Trinity Methodist Church: a life of school, home, church, reading and play.  

In high school, I was also just average. I did great in Math (and was the Jefferson High School winner in the Citywife Math contest), but I was not at the top of the school district. It was like being on the moving walkway at the airport—get on, walk along, and get off when it stopped.  

My parents invested in me (I think more than my sister). I took Saturday German lessons for a couple of years and went to a theater class for a while.  I learned chess, and it was better than average.  

I changed considerably in college.  I became a student and worked to get good grades.  I was a “big man” on campus in various organizations.

In many respects, I was shy. I didn’t date in high school, and even in college, asking a girl out was one of the scariest things in my world. I could (and probably would) be rejected.  


Ah, memories - too many to write about, and not very exciting.  

Life is good, my friends, life is very good.

As I become 77 today, I hope I’ve helped others.  I loved teaching (if there were something I could teach, I’d jump at the opportunity).  

Will I be remembered? Maybe by some students, maybe by some friends. Maybe my grandchildren will wonder where I went in 2018. Hopefully, we will all be together someday and laugh at the experience.


Today, I’m with a friend who wants to celebrate my birthday. We are in San Antonio for two days. I am writing this early, but we are planning on taking a boat ride, sightseeing, and remembering the Alamo. Thank you, KW, for celebrating this day with me.


I love you all - I am compelled to love you!!!  “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and “You can only love God as much as the person you love the least.”  Agape love, unconditional love.

Yes, LOVE does WIN - not money, not power, not greed, not importance, but LOVE.

And yes, love does transform a person—and I’m still learning and growing on my “new” adventure. God is Great!!!

Karen Anne White, August 24, 2024

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