Sunday, August 11, 2024




We are moving along in the year - in our eighth month.  To me, this has been a pretty good summer.  The heat didn’t get overwhelming until this last week.  But, I know September is coming and the Fall Equinox on September 22, 2024 at 7:43.

Get ready for pumpkin spice coffee - and pumpkin spice everything!!!


On Facebook, there is the Stevens family with four boys telling jokes,  Check it out at: 

Why couldn’t the pepper do archery?

Because he didn’t habanero (have an arrow)

Why did the elephants get kicked out of the swim meet?

Because they couldn’t keep their trunks up.

What do a credit card and a gymnast have in common?

Outstanding balance

What’s an Olympian’s favorite kind of music?

Heavy metal

Why does Cinderella never win the Olympics in soccer?

Because her coach is a pumpkin, and she runs away from the ball

Where do you take somebody who has been injured in a peek-a-boo accident?


What’s the difference between geology and geography?

Geology rocks, and geography is where it is at.

What does a jet airplane sound like when it makes a hard landing?

Boeing   Boeing  Boeing (bong, bong, bong)

Why did the computer show up late for work?

Because he had a “hard” drive.

What do you call a broken clock?

A waste of time.

Why couldn’t the lifeguard save the surfer?

Because he was “too far out, dude”

What did the duck say when he bought chapstick?

Put it on my bill.

Why did the farmer choose a music career?

Because he had the “beets”.

Why do bakers work so hard?

Because they kneed dough.

Check them out - kids being funny!!!


Other Jokes

Why was the corn afraid of August? Because it knew it would soon become an ear.

What did the sun say when he saw the calendar turn to August? It’s my time to shine!

Why did the lion refuse to take a summer vacation in August? He didn’t want to be prideless.

What do you call a group of dogs celebrating August together? A canine-coo.

Why did the lemonade refuse to be sold in August? It didn’t want to be squeezed out of business.

Why was the calendar always relieved when August was over? It was a tough month to get through.

“In August, you can never have too much sunscreen or too much air conditioning.”

“Why did the scarecrow win an award in August? Because he was outstanding in his field!”

“Why do cows wear bells in August? Because their horns don’t work!



The summer is coming to an end.  My symphony orchestra had it’s first practice last Tuesday night!!!  Soon the grandkids will be back in school



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