Monday, August 5, 2024



Yes, I am disorganized.  Yes, I’m about ready for the nursing home where I help out.  And, sometimes, I should be a resident rather than an assistant!!!


I am writing this on Saturday, August 3rd.  I’m making a fantastic scalloped potato dish for the Central Texas Musical Arts (CTMA) start of the new season potluck (in 1.5 hours).

The good news is that the potatoes look great!! I can’t wait to taste them (although they are still in the oven and will be hot for a while).

The bad news is - I’m misplacing things - apparent things.


  • Where are my two bright red oven mitts?  I’m using a kitchen towel to pull the potatoes out of the oven - but it would be better with the oven mitts!!

  • Where are my kitchen scissors? I have one of the greatest kitchen scissors. I wanted to put some chives on top of my potato dish and cut them to a smaller size, but I couldn’t find my scissors. So, I cut the chives with a kitchen knife on a cutting board, and as I finished, I found the scissors!!!

  • Where are my bandages? Okay, yes, I cut the end of my thumb on my mandolin slicer. (I hope the Central Texas Musical Arts group doesn’t mind some red coloring in the potatoes!! No, I didn’t bleed into the potatoes!!)

  • Oh darn, where is my garlic press? Just a little touch of garlic would make this dish stupendous. Oh well, I’ll cut the garlic on my mandolin slicer. It's not the same, but it works.

  • Where is my music for the new season of the CTMA?  I had it with my adult coloring book - but it isn’t there.  

Yes, I know that being forgetful is part of the aging process. I have too much knowledge in my brain about programming and technology to worry about scissors and oven mitts. How do I implement a DO WHILE loop in COBOL to check that my potatoes are done enough? That must be a more critical thought than where I left my oven mitts.  After all, I can replace my oven mitts, but once I’ve coded the DO WHILE loop, I won’t need to touch that code for the next twenty years (which COBOL finally disappears.)


Well, I know asignificantr solution - GET ORGANIZED KAREN!!!  I prefer to sit at my desk and write blogs (like this) instead of organizing the kitchen.  

In March, every year is “Turn it Off Day”—a day to do without technology.  I got halfway through the day last year - and “had to” check my email and social media account.  

I could have my Turn It Off Day - and not be on the computer or phone - instead, I could spend the time organizing my apartment.  

No, it would never work!!  <grin>

LOVE WINS - even when I don’t

LOVE TRANSFORMS - yes - LOVE transform my apartment - and my brain!!!

So, now, where is that power cord?  My laptop needs charging!!!


I found everything but my oven mitts. Maybe they are in the freezer.

Karen Anne White, August 6th, 2024

Postscript - the scalloped potatoes were a great hit at the potluck.  But, by using the (new) mandoline, I cut my thumb a little (and, no, it does not bleed into the potatoes).

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