Sunday, August 11, 2024



Karen comments first: I haven’t watched much of the Olympics, but I sense that the crowds and abilities have changed since the 1950s.


First - data from the United States Census Bureau:

The population of the United States now is about 340 million people.  

According to the Census Bureau, the US population will become older and more diverse by 2100, with immigration and fertility rates driving the changes. Here's what the population might look like by race and ethnicity, depending on immigration levels:

  • Non-Hispanic whites: Less than half the population.

  • Hispanics or Latinos: Over a quarter of the population.

  • African Americans are 14.4% of the population, up from 13.6%.

  • People who identify as two or more races: The fastest growing group.

  • Asians Surpass Hispanics as the largest immigrant group

The population could reach 435 million in 2100 with high immigration or drop to 319 million with low immigration. Without substantial immigration, the population will decline, and older adults will outnumber children.

By that point, the non-Hispanic white, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic Black populations will remain the three largest race or ethnic groups nationally. The non-Hispanic white population will make up less than half of all people in the US, while the Hispanic or Latino population will grow to more than a quarter.

The Census Bureau projects America’s population will grow older and more diverse by the end of the 21st century, with immigration and fertility rates driving most changes through 2100.

The Census also projects immigration will be the most significant driver of population growth through the rest of the century. Without any new immigration, the Bureau estimates the nation’s population would begin declining in 2024, resulting in approximately 107 million fewer people in 2100 than in 2022. Conversely, it also projects a high-immigration scenario in which the US could have an estimated 102 million additional people by then.

Deaths are expected to exceed births in the US by 2038.

The Bureau expects immigration to drive population growth through the remainder of the 21st century. In every projected year, the number of people moving into the US is expected to exceed the population change resulting from births and deaths alone.

The US population is projected to get older and more diverse through the rest of the 21st century. Within a decade, seniors will outnumber children, and by 2050, the non-Hispanic white population will be less than half of the US population.



Diversity is now a core part of America’s brand. In gymnastics and swimming. In fencing and rugby. In skateboarding, tennis, boxing, basketball, and so much more. In commentary from Snoop Dogg and Flavor Flav. The massive billboards all over Paris from U.S.-based companies like Nike and Ralph Lauren feature brown-skinned models. And let’s not forget the music that’s played to pump up the audience at all the events — whether or not Americans are competing. I was at the Paris Olympics for a few days, and at every venue I visited, American music with a funky beat was the go-to choice to fire up crowds and athletes from all over the world. As we watch Americans rack up medals, that retrograde Trumpian Make America Great Again message seems silly; America is clearly pretty great right now.


So, Karen does some thinking.  Watching the Olympics from an American viewpoint, I saw that there were more Black, Asian, Hispanic, and multiracial Americans who competed on Team USA.  

We have been a nation of immigrants (sorry, Native Americans - we overran your country).  But, seemingly, some prefer that we shut down borders and live with those already here - and let this country become a bunch of old (mostly white) folks.  

In the Census Bureau analysis, we had this statement: “The population could reach 435 million in 2100 with high immigration or drop to 319 million with low immigration. Without substantial immigration, the population will decline, and older adults will outnumber children.”


We are (at least in my historical understanding) a country of immigrants. Sure, my great-great-grandfather Quaas came from Germany in 1848, but others can trace their families back to Europe, Africa, or Asia.  

So, instead of embracing immigration, we are attempting to halt it.  My state (Texas) has put concertina wire (sharp that will cut you if you touch it) in the Rio Grande River.  My state (and country) have been building walls to keep people out.  Why?  So we can be a country of old (mostly white) people.  

I’ve been working at a nursing home, and the majority of our staff are Black Americans - and the majority of our residents are old white people - wearing diapers, needing to have staff teed them.  

The wording on the Statue of Liberty says:

“ “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

As much as grew up in a mostly white America, and the majority of my friends are white Americans, I also agree with the statement “All people are created in God’s image.”  

We have been told that those immigrants are thieves and drug-dealers.  (Guess what we already have thieves and drug-dealers).  But, we are inviting a slow decline for our country to stop immigration.

LOVE WINS - for all people, for the tired, the poor as well as the rich and affluent.

LOVE TRANSFORMS - for all people - let’s learn to LOVE - not hate.  

Karen Anne White, August 12, 2024

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