Sunday, August 4, 2024




August is named for Augustus Caesar, July was named after Julius Caesar, and August after Augustus Caesar.

Julius Caesar was the great-uncle of Augustus.  Julius played a significant role in Augustus's early life, introducing him to Roman politics and taking him on military campaigns. In 47 B.C.E., Augustus fought alongside Caesar and impressed him so much that Caesar named him as his heir in his will when he was assassinated in 43 B.C.E. . At age 19, Augustus accepted the inheritance and became involved in Roman politics, forming alliances, defeating rivals, and winning a civil war.

In the old Roman calendar, March is the first month.  So October - using the prefix “oct” for eight is the eighth month in the old calendar; like December - with the prefix “dec” - for ten is the tenth month.


August is the only month without a formal (or informal) holiday.  It is also “back to school” month.  If you’ve been shopping, you probably have seen the “back to school” specials.  


Q: On the first day of school, what did the teacher say her three favorite words were? A: June, July, and August.

Is today really August? Or are you Julying to me?

Q: Don't June know it's August? A: I can't December.

Q: Knock, knock!
A: Who's there?
Q: August!
A: August ... who?
Q: A gust of wind over 74 mph could be the start of a hurricane!

The doctor has given me two months to live. I've chosen August and December, because I like summer but don't want to miss Christmas.

My childhood crush and I are finally getting married this year! Me in August, and her in November.

I bought this jacket last August! I got a really good deal because I bought it before it was cool.

Looking for a hot date? Pick any day in August, they don't get much hotter than that!

Julius Caesar was famously killed on the Ides of March, but he wasn't expecting the attack until August 2. His final words embodied his dismay over the scheduling confusion: "8/2, Brute..."

My little daughter came to me all excited, saying, “Daddy! Daddy! Guess how old I’ll be in August!” I said, “Oh, I don’t know, princess. Why don’t you tell me?” She gave me a huge smile and held up four fingers. It’s now three hours later, the police are annoyed, and she still won’t say where she got the fingers.

My wife and I just had a daughter and named her JuneJulyAugust. We call her Summer for short.

Sorry the only responses to your August birthday party invitations are out-of-office replies!


We’ve had a pretty nice summer so far (in my estimation) - with some rain, not too many days over 100 - let’s see how August will be.  The forecast does have several of those 100+ days.  




Karen White, August 4, 2024

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