Sunday, February 14, 2021



Starting with a trivia question - How are George Washington and the Square Root of Three similar?

From the History Channel:

“Presidents' Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February; Presidents' Day 2021 will occur on Monday, February 15. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, the holiday became popularly known as Presidents' Day after it was moved as part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act, an attempt to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers. While several states still have individual holidays honoring the birthdays of Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and other figures, Presidents' Day is now popularly viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents, past and present.

Growing up we had Washington's Birthday (February 22nd) and Lincoln’s Birthday (February 12th)

As a Country, the United States had to create holidays.  Informally, then more formally, we had Christmas and Easter - as the majority of people in the United States were Christian.  

Some states had their own holidays.  But, the tendency has been to make holidays national.  For example, around Europe, there are different country holidays - so as you make your way from France to Germany, you may find that nobody is working in Germany - because it is a German holiday.  So, if you go from (say) South Carolina to Oregon - one state is observing a holiday and the other isn’t having a holiday.

In 1870, the United States created four federal holidays - New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas.  In 1880, George Washington’s birthday was added as a holiday.  (And, even though Thanksgiving was a holiday, it wasn’t until 1941 that it became a ‘fixed’ holiday on the fourth Thursday of November.)

Then Decoration Day (now Memorial Day) was added - on May 30th.  With creating three-day weekends Memorial Day was moved to the last Monday in May.  (Aside - I had an older friend who had fought in World War II and had roots in Decoration Day (as the day that American’s decorated the graves of Civil War soldiers).  He lobbied for keeping May 30th - as making that day into a three-day weekend would weaken the meaning of the day).

Labor day was created federally in 1984 by Grover Cleveland.  As the United States became industrialized, some people worked 12 hour days - and even seven days a week; and children as young as 5 worked.  

Veteran’s Day (November 11th) was added in 1938 (originally as Armistice Day - for the armistice ending World War I).  I find it interesting that Veteran’s day is always on the same day and not used as a three day weekend.  I also find it interesting that in most communities it isn’t a holiday but in most schools, an assembly is held with Veterans and patriotic speakers and music.

In 1968, the Uniform Holiday Act created President’s day as the third Monday in February, Columbus Day as the second Monday in October, Memorial Day as the last Monday in May (Labor day was already fixed as the first Monday in September).  Martin Luther King Day was added in 1983.  

So, today is a federal holiday.  I find it is also observed by states as well.  Many school districts take the day off.  Some states (most notably Illinois) had celebrated Lincoln’s Birthday on February 12th, so, officially Washington’s Birthday Holiday, and all Presidents are honored together on Washington’s Birthday. 

From we have some interesting tidbits about Washington:

Washington inherited 10 slaves from his father (and would have 577 by the end of his life).  But, in his will, he freed the slaves that he ‘owned’ directly.

Washington is described as a “man of faith”.

He became the Commander of the Continental Army in 1775

He presided over the Constitutional Convention (1787)

He was elected our first President in 1788 (taking office in 1789), and in 1792 (ending in 1789)

In his farewell address (1789), he urged “Americans to avoid excessive political party spirit and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances with other nations.” 

He did NOT have wooden teeth (but did have false teeth).   He did NOT cut down a cherry tree.  He did cross the Delaware River on Christmas 1776 (I doubt that he stood in the boat on the cold Delaware River!!!)

He is featured on the United States Quarter (since 1932), and Dollar (in various forms but the standard now is from 1963).  

That leads to “President Day Sales” and frequently with pictures of Washington and how you can ‘save a buck’ at these sales!!!

And, back to the trivia question - How are George Washington and the Square Root of Three similar?

George Washington was born in 1732 and the square root of 3 is 1.732!!!




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