Monday, February 1, 2021


** Groundhog day!!! **

Yesterday I started this week indicating that I’m getting tired of the pandemic (and I am), and I’m tired of social isolation, and I’m tired of not having places to go and things to see.  All true. 

BUT - that was a call to action for me.  I need to pull myself out of my funk and get positive!!


First - surround yourself with positive people. 

Okay - but we are in a pandemic - I can’t get out as much.  

Solution - looking at the old computer terms - GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out and do the opposite.  I can surround myself with positive YouTube videos, Podcasts, Books, and other readings.  I have some friends (KH and PB in particular), who post positive things on Facebook daily (and I try to agree and comment to them - daily).  And, I tend to stay away from some of the negative things (the “oh woe is me” folks - like CR on Twitter).

Second - keep a sense of humor and joy

You might be glad NOT to be my neighbors!!  I sing and listen to my ‘upbeat classics’.  When I walk at the recreation center, if I’m listening to this playlist, I might be conducting the music.  You can watch me cue the various parts.  I, of course, do have some special things.  On Shostakovich’s Finale to his Fifth Symphony, I am a tympani player (or still a conductor) - I cue the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM of the timpani in the last few minutes.  Or, Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite - again the Finale - as the firebird comes back to life in glimmering radiance.  I have two versions on my playlist - one of which fails to have the tuba with a significant note, and the other has the tuba with THAT note - loud and clear (and I cue it with gusto).  

Third - avoid the negatives

With social isolation and no television, I rarely get the news - and news programs rarely focus on good news (that doesn’t sell advertisements).  Maybe like the old Carpenter’s song “Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down”.  I have to force myself to get outside - even on rainy days and Monday!!!  

Fourth - help others.  

This blog is to help others (but it is also to help me)!!!  As I write to be positive - I am really putting positivity into my brain - GIGO - GOOD in, GOOD out!!!  

Aside, I sometimes am a little too helpful.  One friend at the Georgetown Rec Center shared some things with me - and I wanted to encourage her - and I pushed a little too hard.  I needed to build more rapport before becoming her counselor!!  I remember a gender thing from a while back, women want to share things, and their husbands want to FIX things.  If the woman is having a hard time with a coworker, the husband has ideas on how to change that.  I am no longer a husband, and I really don’t need to fix things - just listen.  If a person asks for advice, be thoughtful BEFORE I jump in!!!

Fifth - make an effort to be THANKFUL 

Yes, I live alone and Yes, I can do things more personal in my apartment.  I have my posters “Love Wins”; “In Everything Give Thanks”; “Be Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind”.  I also have my post-it note display.  Some of the post-it notes are: “God is Awesome”, “Rejoice Always”, “I am a unicorn, unique and special”, “I am worthy”, “A dream fulfilled is a tree of life”, “He will give you the desires of your heart”, “Ask and you shall receive”, and more.  

I also have a picture of all five of my grandchildren (from 2.5 years ago) on the wall right in front of my desk, and school pictures of the Nebraska grandchildren.  That motivates and makes me so happy!!!  (And, it builds my faith and expectation of reconciliation someday) 


So, GIGO - Good In, Good Out; and avoid “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.  

Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

And, if things get negative, I take a walk - and put on that Upbeat Classics playlist!!!

So, how do you remain upbeat and positive?  Do you have suggestions for me?

More tomorrow!!




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