Wednesday, December 29, 2021


So, what else happened this year, Karen?

I have a philosophy about dementia that I need to be physically active, keep challenging my brain, grow spiritually, have friends, be social, eat well, get sufficient sleep, meditate and reflect, and LOVE OTHERS since LOVE WINS!!  

Today and tomorrow, I’ll be looking at my year 2021 in terms of those factors.


MUSIC - active, social, mentally challenging

Well, let’s see.  COVID eased enough with vaccinations that a form of normality returned.  With that, I started playing tuba again.  

Actually, in spring 2020, I started playing with the Williamson County Symphony Orchestra. When we moved to the Austin area in 2013, I looked at the Williamson County Symphony - but they had two tuba players (and for sure didn’t need a third one (me)!!)  I played with the Band of the Hills but had loved my symphonic music from Connecticut.  A friend from the WCSO told me they were looking for a tuba player - and I jumped into the group.

That abruptly stopped in March 2020 as COVID trashed almost all activities.  A winter version started in January 2021 with limited instrumentation, but a full concert occurred outside in May 2021.  (Unfortunately, I was on the sidelines after my surgery).  Over the summer, some internal issues developed, and by fall 2021 I played in two symphony orchestras - the WCSO and a new group, the Central Texas Musical Arts Symphony.  This second group also did a brass quintet over the summer with some interesting music and some fun people.  Alas, the quintet only played once for a neighborhood party - so our interesting and intrinsic pieces went away for lighter things (like Rubber Duckie with tuba lead).  Walburg Mayfest and Oktoberfest returned.  

But, the two symphony groups managed to schedule their December concerts on the same night, so I only played with the Central Texas Musical Arts group in December.  (Only one night was just about right for me).

GRANNY BASKETBALL - active, social, challenging

I was officially sanctioned in March 2020 to play on the Georgetown Fire Ants granny basketball team - BOOM - COVID took that away.  But, in fall 2021, we started up again.  In my second game, I scored 22 points (my high point).  I traveled to a tournament in Norman Oklahoma (where we lost three times), and now have about ten games of experience.  At age 74, I’m not fit and trim - but I enjoy the activity.  I call it my aerobics class.  We have a lot to learn as we’ve won twice and lost eight times in those ten games.  

But we have a new coach (as of last week), who seems to want to be competitive and I think we will be.  (The two games from two weeks ago, we lost by six (and we were ahead by six after three quarters; and lost by 10, although we had been ahead in the third quarter).  

BRIDGE - mentally stimulating, social

In 2019, a new social bridge group started in Georgetown.  I wasn’t a bridge player.  From watching my parents (and reading the bridge column in the newspaper), I knew a little about the game.  I probably am not much farther along in my knowledge and skills.

In March 2020 with COVID, I started a weekly “Bridge Brat Bulletin”.  This e-newsletter has continued since then and has almost totally moved away from bridge to just fun.  (Send me your email if you’d like to get on my list).  I’ve used the National Day list and the This Day in History list.  I’ve researched the top records corresponding to the date.  I’ve added pictures, jokes, and light commentary as well.

The actual playing of bridge is every Thursday at a local senior center.  We have fun, we laugh, we keep our brains challenged and busy, and we sometimes win or sometimes lose.  We generally have four tables and after four hands we add up the points - and the losers make the “Walk of Shame” to go to the next table. 

SPIRITUAL - mental, spiritual growth

This year, 2021, has been a time of spiritual growth. Like years before I did a “Through the Bible in a Year” daily study.  I use the YouVersion on my iPhone.  A great friend, NP, sends me a daily meditation.  I have a streak of 516 days (not quite two years), but 147 weeks (almost three years).  I missed a day 517 days ago - actually a Sunday where I was in church - but I didn’t use the YouVersion app!!!  (I don’t think that matters much to anybody except me)

I attend two Sunday services (the second I haven’t talked about much - a small (about 20 people) “open and affirming” group - with straight, gays, lesbians, transgender, and anybody.  (A bridge friend invited me).  My traditional group also gives me deep spiritual insights.  (I take notes at both services).  I attend two weekly scripture studies - one where the leader told me to my face that I am “going to hell” - but we’ve been good friends.  (After all, I’m to love and not hate, and not judge!!  Besides, that is on Saturday morning and another attendee brings apple fritters!!).  The second is a traditional Wednesday evening study.  These challenge me and help my spiritual thinking.  

With trying to go deeper in LOVE WINS I find a spiritual basis for the universe from an infinite being who loves me.  (As the God figure in “The Shack” says “I’m particularly fond of that one”, (and meaning “I’m particularly fond of Karen White - who was Bruce White”.  That infinite creator/being KNOWS me by name - knows everything I do.  I am not a puppet that he/she/it/the force can manipulate - He gave me free will.  I can overuse my free will and do stupid things.  Psalm 139 says it to me: “Where can I go from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”

About a month ago, I started to doubt my spiritual commitment.  I was like 70% committed.  I liked living in the world. Can I get to 100% commitment to this infinite higher power (and not lose any love)? 

There is a joke about seniors and what comes next.  Senior 1:  “I’ve been thinking about the “here after” a lot lately”.  Senior 2: “How so?”; Senior 1: “I go into a room, and I ask myself “What am I here after?” 

In my case, at age 74, yes, I am interested in the “here after” - I will die at some point.  Is there a heaven? (I firmly believe so).  


My friends - I have an unwritten rule (until now anyway), that my blog should take up no more than two physical pages at default font and default margins).  I am on page three and still have personal reflections to talk about.  Thus, this will be continued tomorrow - on the last day of the year 2021!!!

So, even as boring as this might be, I’m going to continue it tomorrow.

Next week I will be talking about New Year’s Resolutions!!!



December 30, 2021

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