Thursday, December 23, 2021




There is magic in Christmas - the magic of believing that good will prevail.  The magic of snow, cookies, bells, sweet songs.  We are all unique and Christmas may not have the same meaning to all of us.  I do have a religious streak, but I realize that not all of us are alike.

And, (if you will) THANK GOD that we are all different!!!  (Can you imagine a world where everybody is like Me - or everybody is like You?)  (Aside - I had a fantastic student who graphically took my head and put it on all the members of the pep band at Quinnipiac University)

Some people are easy to get along with, and some are hard to get along with - isn’t that a good thing?  

As you gather (hopefully) with family this Christmas, enjoy the little beauties of being unique and in your own way, very special!!!

My friends - I love you all in your very unique and very special ways!!!


I remember the frantic days of Christmas shopping.  Of making lists for our children, of writing a Christmas letter, of getting the Christmas cards addressed and sent out.

I think it is one of the shopping networks that on Christmas day shows a fire in a fireplace, a dog (or dogs?) come in and out as well as a cat (or cats).  The fire is soothing, calling us to relax on this special day.  We’ve been building towards this day since December 26, 2020 (last year).  Hopefully, you can relax.  

Of the typical American holidays, Christmas for us “seniors” might be the most relaxing.  Our daughters (generally) are hosting, and we (Grandma and Grandpa), get to go, visit, have a mug of mulled wine, and stay out of the way.  

I’m going with a friend to her daughter’s house.  Her daughter will be putting the last items in the oven, making sure everything is right - and it is actually okay if not everything is right - Christmas memories come from the buns being a bit burned, or from forgetting to have real butter on the table, or forgetting to wrap a present that we bought last July and hid away in the attic.  In a few years, we will laugh at ourselves as remember that Christmas is a day of love and the presents and food is just part of the ambiance of love.

After all, the first traditional Christmas was a memorable story - having to travel for a census, having no room in the inn, and a baby born in a stable (moms - can you imaging giving birth in a dirty stable).  Years later, I can picture Mary and Joseph laughing at the absurdity of the situation.  

Then you have the other awkward parts of the story.  Shepherds (with sheep manure on their boots), trudging in to see the baby.  Angels singing - stars - three old men traveling for miles to see this baby.  

Let love win for Christmas.


Just an old poem by Henry W. Longfellow: (written in 1864 during the Civil War)

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play;
In music sweet the tones repeat,
“There’s peace on earth, good will to men.”

I thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along th’ unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

And in despair I bowed my head:
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong, and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor does He sleep,
For Christ is here; His Spirit near
Brings peace on earth, good will to men.”


Karen White, Christmas 2021

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