Tuesday, December 14, 2021



This week I am writing fiction based on the Christmas story.

Indirectly, this is Jehu’s story (from yesterday) continued.

Jehu was incensed that Joachim and Anne’s daughter, Mary, was allowed to live.  She should have been stoned to death for sex before marriage and more according to the Law of Moses.

But, as he tried to make this happen, he was stopped by some invisible force until he gave up.


But today’s story takes place about 30 years later when he is an older man (although not necessarily wiser)


Jehu had prospered by following the Law of Moses.  He fasted, gave at least a tenth of his income away, did not work on the Sabbath.  

He had heard of this fellow Jesus who was making the rounds in Galilee and other places.  He “knew” this Jesus character was not the Messiah.  The Messiah would be a warrior and get rid of the Romans, would reestablish the Throne of David.  This Jesus guy just seemed to go from place to place and preach.  

The rumor mill had gotten started early two days before the Sabbath, this Jesus person was going to be in Capernaum on the Sabbath.  

“Ah ha’, thought Jehu.  “I’m going to see what a fraud this man is.”

Taking his son, Mikel, and a solid horse, they set out.  Mikel had gotten fallen out of a barn when he was a teenager.  He was crippled and handicapped.  But, Jehu loved his son like he loved his other children.  They arrived in Capernaum about noon on Friday and found an inn.  They got the last room and paid a premium price.  They had their late afternoon meal before the Sabbath and retired to their room.  

In the morning, they were up early and walked the two blocks to the synagogue.  To Jehu’s amazement, it seemed like all of Israel was going to show up.  Fortunately, because of Mikel’s infirmities, they did get a seat off the edge of the first row.  He listened to the buzz around him - would Jesus do any miracles today?  After all, it was the Sabbath.  Was Jesus a fraud?  Was he the Messiah? Now in his early 60s, Jehu had seen a lot of so-called Messiahs come along.  This was just another in the line.  And, many of the others had gotten trapped by the Romans or Jewish leaders.  If Jehu was a gambling man, he was going to bet that Jesus would be trapped by the religious leaders before he would get trapped by the Romans.  

He looked around - which one was Jesus?  There was a tall man on the right side, with a nicer-than-average shirt?  There was a stout man in the second row - who looked like a fisherman.  There were a few people Jehu knew, but not many.  There was an average-looking man with sunburned cheeks in the third row.  Jehu laughed at himself - that person was definitely not this wonderful promised Messiah. 


There were the normal scripture readings - Moses’ Laws, Isaiah, History, Prophets.  The man in charge then called on Yeshua - Jesus - to speak.

Jehu was instantly surprised to see the average-looking man with sunburned cheeks in the third-row rise and go to the front.  

And, he was instantly reminded of Isaiah 53: “Who has believed our message and to who has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of the dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.”  Jehu thought the last part was so true - nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.  Well, Isaiah, you nailed that part.  

Jesus started:

“Hear Oh Israel, the Lord our God is one.” He paused and continued “This is the first and greatest commandment.  Love the Lord our God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and all your strength.” Another pause, “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

“My friends you know the commandments. I want to talk about loving your neighbor as yourself.  We frequently focus on the first four commandments, today I am looking at the last six: Honor your father and your mother, do not murder, do not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, and you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, house, ox, or anything.”

“How easy it is to love the Lord our God will all of our heart but to hate our neighbor. 

“I want to talk about loving your neighbor as yourself this morning.  First, that implies that you love yourself.  How can you love yourself?  By loving the Lord our God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.  If you REALLY love God, you will love yourself.

“Now, how about loving your neighbor?  The last six commandments are really loving your neighbor (and your parents), don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t murder, don’t lie, don’t desire your neighbor’s things including his wife.

(Jesus was looking at Jehu frequently as he spoke)

“Can you understand your neighbor?  Can you forgive your neighbor?  Forgiveness is really loving your neighbor.  Can you forgive your children for things they have done?  If so, then you can forgive your neighbor for things they have done.“

“Hate is a terrible thing.  If you hate somebody it can become like a disease within you.  You want revenge, you want to hurt them.  Let God handle the judging, let God handle the revenge.  

“Do you really love God with ALL - that is everything - ALL of your heart, mind, soul, and strength?  Then do you really love your neighbor with ALL of your heart, mind, soul, and strength?

Jesus went on for about a half-an-hour.  The men were getting ready for a break.  

As he concluded and gave the control back to the synagogue leader, he looked at Jehu and said “Jehu, God loves you, but Satan has put hate into your heart.  Let’s have lunch together”.

Jehu was amazed.  How did this Jesus even know him, know his name, know about the hate in his heart?  


On the Sabbath, no work was to be done.  Jehu and Mikel could not travel back to Nazareth.  Likewise, inns and food establishments could not cook.  The inn in Capernaum had given each guest a sack lunch before shutting down for the Sabbath.  

Jesus met Jehu and Mikel outside the inn about midday.  Jehu was a little scared - why was this itinerant preacher/prophet (and maybe phony) interested in him - even to know his name? 

Jesus greeted the father and the son.  He asked Jehu a tough question, “Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath?”

Jehu knew this was a trick question, but he answered, “No work is to be done on the Sabbath”.

Jesus commented how King David and his men picked heads of grain and ate the grain on the Sabbath, and how many battles were fought on the Sabbath.  He also commented that the Sabbath was made for man to rest after a week of work, but that man wasn’t necessarily made for the Sabbath as men need to do things like feed their animals or care for sick friends.

Jesus then turned to Mikel, in his broken and shriveled body.  “Mikel, do you want to be healed?”

Mikel said, “Yes”.  

Jesus touched Mikel’s forehead and a miracle occurred, Mikel was no longer crippled, but whole.  

This tore Jehu apart. He was overwhelmed with joy as his beloved son was healed, but his religious values were slammed down by Jesus’ healing Mikel.  

“Jehu and Mikel”, said Jesus.  “The God that you love with ALL your heart, mind, soul, and strength is real - and loves you completely, unconditionally, and totally.  He wants us to prosper and be in good health.  And, even on the Sabbath, He wants you to be part of Him and His Kingdom.”


Something happened to Jehu (and Mikel) that day.  Jehu became more loving.  He gave to the poor, the needy, the lost, the forgotten, and even (gasp) to non-Jews.  And, Mikel changed physically as well as emotionally.


Jesus went on.  “Jehu, you may remember when you tried to stone my mother as a prostitute and God’s angels kept you away from her.  You can remember the hate you felt at that time as a sinful and wrong human.  But, you didn’t know that I was that child.  I am the Son of God, I loved you even then, and I love you now!!!  

Jehu cried openly and others in the courtyard of the inn saw a man moved to tears and heard him say “Lord, I believe”.  And, Mikel did the same.


Okay, another fictitious (and Pollyanna) type story.  



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