Thursday, December 16, 2021



On Fridays, I look at Love Winning.  

Today, maybe an off-topic a little - “Random acts of kindness”

Yes, it is a week today until Christmas Eve.  Our Jewish friends have had their Hanukkah.  Even the druids are looking forward to the Winter Solstice at 9:58 Central Time on December 21st.  The December Full Moon (“Cold Moon” is tomorrow - December 18th.

So, how can we make LOVE WIN?  By showing love.  Our “loved ones” (aka - family) will get cards and presents this Christmas season - but how about doing Random Acts of Love to random people this season?

While it wasn’t random, after snowstorms in Connecticut and South Dakota I would shovel the neighbors’ driveways.  Okay - not quite true - I would use my snow thrower and clean out their driveways and sidewalks.  One time I counted, I did the sidewalks and driveways of twelve neighbors (free - although one senior lady would give me a few dollars or cookies occasionally). 

Last week, I was in a dollar store and the line was long.  I was heading to orchestra rehearsal and although I had allocated enough time to shop, I hadn’t anticipated long checkout lines.  The lady ahead of me had a cart full of items and I helped her move the items to the check-out belt and we chatted while we waited.  As I would be late - big deal.  I did have just one item (a Santa Hat to wear to our holiday concert).  But, then she grabbed it and she bought that for me.  That was very nice of her.  

So, in that spirit of giving, what can I do (and, what can you do) as random acts of love?

I bought the ingredients for peppermint bark - and I will give it anonymously to my neighbors.  Of the twelve apartments in my building, I know two of the people (I knew five, but three have moved out.  I might also make cookies.  

Hold the door open for people.  My post office is busy this time of year - and they don’t have automatic doors (like the grocery stores).  I almost always hold the door for others - especially if their arms are full with packages.

Give a nice tip to your servers/waiters.  There was a couple of recent stories relating to this - one where a man gave a server a large tip (I think $400), and another where a person gave the Burger King server a $10 tip.  Many restaurants in my area are short of staff - giving them a gift is nice.

Our neighborhood (around the apartments) is probably typical as dog owners don’t always pick up the poop.  Grab an empty plastic grocery bag and pick up the bigger chunks.  One neighbor - rightfully so - likes to complain about dog owners who don’t pick up after their dogs.  So, it takes me a couple of minutes - and bending over is good exercise!!!  

I try (not enough) to compliment people.  (Note, women seem to do this ‘all’ of the time.  “Oh, I really like your top”, “That’s a nice outfit”, “I like your necklace”. )  Say something nice - like you look good today; that’s a nice outfit, I love your smile.  I’ve also been saying “I love you more” - not the “I love you” Eros love, but the “I love you”, Agape love.  If I am to love my neighbor as myself, I better get started on the love aspect.

I’m trying NOT to let money control me - so, yes, pay forward by paying for somebody’s coffee or meal.  It's fairly easy to pay for the next person in line in a drive-thru lane.  Just ask the clerk how much the next person’s bill is - and pay it.  

Do you have things that you don’t use and somebody might like them?  Give things away.  (I’ve given a LOT of things to various clothing thrift shops.  I prefer the non-profit, community-minded thrift shops - like the Salvation Army.  From what I understand, Goodwill is a for-profit business.  

Watch somebody’s child for a couple of hours so they can get away - and Christmas Shop, or even just to get out of the house without their child for a while.

Help out as a volunteer at a school, or after-school program.  With parents working, some kids get dropped off at a program, and having an extra person is valuable to the program and to the kids.

Make some posters/ cards.  I like the adult coloring pages on the Internet and have some with Christmas coloring.  I color a page and put it on my neighbor’s door.  

I know I like to park close to stores, but maybe I can pass up on that prime parking space and let an elderly person take it.  

I have oodles of email addresses - I try to send out notes on a regular basis to - and in particular - send birthday greetings to my Facebook friends (which included a lot of former students).

Say “Hi” to people (even people you don’t know).  Being friendly is a nice random act of kindness.



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