Thursday, November 26, 2020



Yes, if you didn’t know it - today, November 27th, 2020 is what is called “Black Friday” in the retail business.  If you have a television set, you have gotten the ads.  (See, there is a good reason not to have TV!!! <grin>)

Over the years, Black Friday has transformed some.  Many businesses start their Black Friday specials two weeks in advance.  When I grew up, Christmas music was pretty much banned until Thanksgiving (and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade); all stores were closed on Thanksgiving day (except maybe grocery stores in the morning so you could get some last-minute items for the big meal); so Christmas shopping and specials were pretty much banned until the day after Thanksgiving.  

But, with more competition, internet shopping, and (this year) a pandemic; it seems as if retailers don’t care.  For some retailers (Jewelers especially), the holiday season is the big season. 

CNBC.COM says this:

-. The holiday shopping season is starting earlier than ever and Americans are expected to spend record dollars online. 

-. Retailers are looking to coax procrastinators to shop early, hoping to avoid last-minute logistical nightmares, which can drive up their costs.

-. “This holiday is going to be unlike any holiday season I think any of us have ever seen before,” Levi Strauss & Co. CEO Chip Bergh said. 

“The challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic have upended the retail industry – forcing stores and malls temporarily shut, pushing some companies into bankruptcy court and accelerating store closures. It has instilled new behaviors in consumers, who are spending more time and money online — a trend that could become permanent. Long-standing holiday shopping traditions are also being tested. “

With many people scared of COVID, shopping in crowded stores will probably be done this holiday retail season as people are shopping online.  

But, shopping online has its problems too - especially if you wait too long - as the delivery services (USPS, UPS, FedEx, and even Amazon) might be really busy.  I also have heard of delivery truck followers - those that follow delivery trucks into neighborhoods and swipe stuff off porches.  

There are some discussions about how the name Black Friday started.  The best discussion seems to be that the big Army/Navy football game was played in Philadelphia on Saturday after Thanksgiving and people came to the city early to do some holiday shopping before the game.  It caused city services to peak - especially police services with extra shoppers (and extra shoplifters).  

I really didn’t get too much into shopping - and especially for Black Friday bargains.  The intent was to get you in the stores and get the special bargains - but also buy other things.  I remember going to the local convenience store on Thanksgiving to get the newspaper - which was filled with the Black Friday ads.  My wife would plan out her trips - what store at what time.  

Even now, as I am on my own, I am still reluctant to do much physical shopping on Black Friday.  

I am not buying for a spouse, children, or grandchildren (checks work just fine since their parents know what they need).  But, in reality, the big issue (at least to me) is the age-old battle between wants and needs.  I might want lots of things, but I really don’t need anything.  And, if there is something that borders on a need, then I can shop.  My apartment did not come with a microwave, so last year that was ‘almost’ a need (I got by for over a year without one), and I got one online for what I thought was a reasonable price on Black Friday.  And, there have been very few days that I have NOT used that microwave.

Paul, in Philippians 4:11:12, wrote: “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with little, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering. “

Part of my new life is learning about being content - my apartment has enough furniture, I have enough clothes (although a couple of sweatshirts might be nice), my eight-year-old car is okay (although it has had some transmission problems as of late), and I don’t need to buy a snow thrower!!!  (That comment is for my friends up north)!!!

Yes, we do want to give good gifts to our children and families.  Many of you do homemade gifts (and I am working on some crocheted things).  The gift of love is the perfect gift, 


So, on this big shopping day, maybe it is a good time to stay away from crowds, practice your social distancing by staying home.   And, let love rule in your hearts!!!




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