Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Disclaimer - I might get a little “preachy” here.  I love all and want love, and healing in this very divided country!!!

We have been through a very long, very divisive, election.  It is Thursday, November 5th, and I’m not sure if we have a winner in the Presidential Contest yet.  (This was written on Monday, November 2nd)

Yesterday, I suggested we need to end our divisions and work together.  I’m sure (maybe not my readers) that some people will say “Absolutely, Karen.  We need to end our divisions and work together.  We’ll be glad to help those on the losing side see things our way!!”

Of course, winner’s gloat and loser's hurts - and all-too-frequently, the winners take it out on the losers.  Two examples - after the American Civil War of 1861-1865, the North put some heavy burdens on the south that caused divisions for years.  “Carpetbaggers went to the South to “lord it over them’.  In Europe after World War I, the allies put heavy burdens on Germany - which eventually led to Hitler and the Nazi movement.  

So, my steps to healing (no reference today - from my brain)


Say words of congratulations to those whose candidates won; and words of condolence to those whose candidates lost.  Always speak words of love.  Always have concern and love for people.  LOVE ALL PEOPLE.

-1 Walk a mile in their shoes (or two miles or three miles).  

If they are ardent and dedicated to their viewpoints, work on understanding.  Go with them to a “Right to Life” meeting;; Go with them to a speaker on women’s rights.  

Understand that viewpoint, while it may be different than your viewpoint, it has validity to your friends and neighbors.


We have had a judgment on others because of our viewpoints.  If you believe (as I do), there is a heaven and a hell; don’t tell a person they are going to hell - as humans, God is the final arbitrator - not me, not you. 

(Aside, I have had people tell me, I am going to hell as a transgender woman.  I understand their viewpoints.  I do know I am a sinner, redeemed by God’s grace (however you perceive God).  I get swallowed and engulfed by God’s love (frequently), but that final decision is not mine to make - but that infinite being that is so vast and complete!!!)  


Listen intently - try very hard to understand the people you meet.  I know that as somebody is talking to me, I am framing my answer back - and that isn’t where I need to be.  I need to hear them out - with intentional listening.

-4 (repeat - NO JUDGEMENT) 

-5 Learn to love those of a different color, different heritages, different religious values, different sexual orientations, different gender orientations.

We are definitely in a “one size does NOT fit all” society.  Make a list of new friends you want to make.  

My list - I must have a good black friend.  My world is pretty white!!

I must have a good Muslim friend.  My world is pretty Christian (and Judeo-Christian)

I must have a good Asian friend.  My world is pretty euro-centric. 

I have some Hispanic friends, but I need to work more on that.

I should have some really gay friends.  

Integrate people.  Create a bowling or volleyball team that has liberal and conservatives together on it!!  Play bridge, go walking, have coffee with those who have different viewpoints that you have.  

Guns - can a loyal NRA person spend a week with a person who wants a gun-ban?  (My personal bias as a non-gun-owner, is that we don’t need assault rifles to hunt pheasants in South Dakota)!!  

Environment - can a tree-hugger spend a week with a pipeline advocate?  Talk about the issues without yelling.  Try to understand, 

Abortion - try to analyze the other side without judging, without emotions, without fear.  We allow killing of Black people by police (and don’t get convictions there), what might be reasons for allowing a woman to get an abortion?  Can contraceptives be encouraged in order to eliminate abortions?  (And, realize that Planned Parenthood does a lot more than provide abortions)

Taxes - as my friend Bill Janklow used to say “The only fair tax is the tax that the other person pays” (that is, any tax loopholes that benefit ME are good and any extra taxes I have to pay are bad).  For me, (as a non-smoker), taxes on cigarettes should be $100 per pack!!!   As a country, we need taxes for roads, for infrastructure, for fair treatments of other human beings, for the general good.  As the scripture goes “Render to God what is God’s and render to Caesar what is Caesar’s” 

And, don’t fight over any legislative bill until BOTH SIDES have read it thoroughly.  Some congressional bills are hundreds of pages long - don’t assume you know the content because some commentators on Fox or MS-NBC gave some sketchy details.  (Comment, I don’t have television, largely because I don’t want to hear the divisive commentaries).

-6 Agree to disagree without being disagreeable.  

If you can be anything - be nice

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)

With the tongue, we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. (James 3:9-10)

Aside - several years ago, Mohammed, Ramesh, Andrei, and I had a great dinner together.  Mohammed and Ramesh were from Bangladesh and India; Andrei and I were from Russia and the United States and part of the great cold war.  

Aside II - years ago, a Republican representative from Minnesota (Al Quie), a Democratic Senator from Iowa, and a few other congressmen, senators, and politicians had a weekly Bible Study in D.C.  That Minnesota (former governor) lived his values - see this:  or this: 

-7 Live love - let LOVE WIN - don’t just tolerate those on the other side - LOVE them.  Jesus said, “Love your enemies”.  “Who is my neighbor?”  All of us are really neighbors. (And, in the answer to "who is my neighbor", Jesus used an outcast (a Samaritan) as the 'good guy' in the story!!!)


Get over the election - get over the rhetoric - stop the hate.  Get the real facts - but then, don’t use facts to justify your narrow position.  

“I can only love God as much as the person I love the least”

“What does God expect of you?  To love justice, to show mercy, and to walk humbly with your God!!!

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings (Presidents, Governors, Senators, ALL) and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness


Let there be peace on earth - and let it begin with ME!!!

Love wins!!



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