Pollyanna has a bad day!!
Oh no, the title says it all - Pollyanna has a bad day.
If you check out this blog on a somewhat regular basis, you know that I can be a “Pollyanna” - everything is going to work out - playing the “Good Game” - that everything that happens has some good in it. In the Biblical concept, “In Everything Give Thanks for this is the Will of God” (1 Thessalonians 5:19). Hey - I am giving thanks for my transmission going out a month ago, for some other things - in EVERYTHING (that means everything - right?)!!!
So, what if you have a bad day? It can happen. In an article I recently read, there was this point: “But also biological elements, such as hormones and genes that might be "on" or "off" at any given time.” (Hey - I’m on enough hormones and medications that even I question if I am “on” or “off” at any point in time!!)
So, yes, I got called “Sir” too many times yesterday!! From those coming to vote as they left and I opened the exit door for them, they said: “Thank you, sir”. HEY - look at me, do my clothes say “sir?” Does my hair say “sir”? (Okay, being six foot two inches does scream “sir”.) Do I need to adjust my lipstick and makeup to appear more feminine?
Yes, I had a bad day. I am NOT ALLOWED to complain!!! (Back to “in everything” give thanks) - so I’m not really complaining that my sinus was draining and I was coughing and not feeling 100%. Hey - we all get a cold some days. I think God that I had a cold and wasn’t functioning at full speed!!
It was from my friend who taught sociology at Dakota State that I first heard the term “Pity Party”. Yes, there are times that people like to say “Oh woe is me”. But, pity parties are not a good way to go.
I found the link (above) for how to stop pity parties.
Let’s look at it:
-1 Allow yourself time.
I mopped around my apartment after working the early voting yesterday. I took TWO naps - and even then I was listless and finally forced myself to go to the gym and get a nice walk (and even to the store and got tissues and light bulbs - hey I really am a big-time shopper!!!)
Comment - listless is being described as “ lacking energy or enthusiasm.”. If you have been around me, you know my life mantra is “Nothing great was ever achieved with enthusiasm” (by Ralph Waldo Emerson).
Second comment - in doing these blogs, you find that I rarely am “list-less”!! I love lists!!! (Okay, a poor “play-on-words”.)!!
-2 Talk about it!!
I live alone. There is no one I can talk too in my apartment - except me.
The article says: “Don’t try to bottle up your feelings, no matter how embarrassed you might feel. Talk it over with patient friends who will really listen. If need be, seek out a little one-on-one time with a life coach or therapist. I don’t know how or why, but non-physical things—such as negative thoughts and reliving horrid memories—can manifest in very physical ways. How about those tension headaches? How about that lack of sleep that makes our skin sallow? You must talk this time through, as often as you feel the urge to.”
Yes, we do live in a world of many communication channels. Back four months ago, when I was down, and I took my four-day “vacation” in the mental hospital, one of my great friends (AP) after my time there insisted the next time I was down like that to call her. Her phone number is only one of a few that I have memorized - 512-623-XXXX. This time, I used her phone number - but in texting mode to say “woe is me”. And, she got back to me with words I needed to hear and the encouragement I needed.
-3 Do something
As the evening went on, I opted to go to the gym and walk. I am listening to an audiobook by Debbie Macomber “Blossom Street Brides”. With my walking at the polling place, I already had three miles of steps, so listening to this book and making thirty laps at the Georgetown Recreation Center, I got to five-and-one-half miles, let this nice innocent book wash over me and brighten my mood.
The article puts it this way: “Do something. When you don’t even want to get out of bed, make that your one achievement for the day. Get up, take a quick shower and do something, anything. Sit in a cafĂ© instead of on your sofa behind drawn curtains. Go to a movie by yourself. Grocery shop, picking up a few of your favorite treats (so long as you don’t eat them all in one night). Make plans with a friend when socializing is the last thing you want to do. Make it your personal goal for just that one day out of the week. Pat yourself on the back for achieving it.”
I did something - and even got the tissues that my nose demanded and the light bulb for that lamp that has been burned out for about two weeks!!!
(I see that I need to stop this for today and I will continue tomorrow!!!)
In everything give thanks - nothing great was achieved without enthusiasm - and (hey) even Pollyanna can have a down day on rare occasions!!!