Sunday, February 9, 2020

Celebrate yourself - part II


As we talked about yesterday, we are CELEBRATING the unique YOU!!  The person with your habits, your speech, your looks, your family, your friends, but UNIQUELY YOU!!!!

Let’s find some more ways to celebrate you!!!  WOOOOO!!!!

-7 Start a joyful ritual.
The article suggests:
“Once a week (or month), set aside time to take a hot bubble bath, read your favorite books, or end your day with a scoop of your favorite ice cream.”

That sounds yummy!!  (I wish I could keep my bathwater medium-hot - it seems to cool off too quickly.  Last time, I heated a kettle of boiling water that I added when it got less than toasty!!)

-8 Put some happy into your life
From the article:
“Find a gorgeous photo of a place you dream of going to and make it your wallpaper on your computer or smartphone. Start working on a plan to go there. “

I have three special photos in my apartment, one is my five grandchildren together.  (I can get choked up looking at all the promise and exciting things they are going to do in their lives); the second is my own motivational poster (from my ‘vacation’ last fall); and the third one is another motivational picture to keep inspiring me to keep going!!!)

For those who know me, I am almost always happy.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God”; Phillipians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always.”; Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

-9 Listen Up
Create a playlist of your favorite songs.  (I have way-too-many for one playlist!!)

One of my favorite playlists is my motivational song playlist - the Finale to the Firebird Suite, the theme from Rocky, Raiders of the Lost Ark (and Indiana Jones) theme, and more.  If I put it on random play, I get an instant “high” when a song I wasn’t quite expecting comes on!! Yeehaw!!

-10 Buy something beautiful
You ARE BEAUTIFUL - so have something beautiful around you.  If you work in an office, have some flowers. At home, you can have cut flowers in a vase or green plants that will inspire you.  (And, for us grandparents, a collage of the work on the grandchildren on our refrigerator door works like a major artwork in my life - of course, not all refrigerators support magnets, so you might need to put it elsewhere).  

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” - so pick something YOU like - something that inspires you when you see if.  Even just a post-it note on the bathroom mirror that says “I am beautiful”.

-11 Document yourself
Get a GREAT picture of yourself.  Dress up and go to a photography studio - or even just have a friend help you get a great picture of you.  I’m thinking back to pictures of my grandparents - your grandchildren (and great-grandchildren) will see this picture someday and say “My Opa (or Oma) was really beautiful (or handsome as the case might be).  

And, don’t make excuses like I just don’t photograph well.  Dress up - and the best outfit you can wear is your SMILE!!!!

-12 Be kind to yourself.
As our last point in this two-day reflection on CELEBRATING YOU - be as kind to yourself as you are to others.  

The article says “Do to yourself as you might do for others. Make a concerted effort to be as attentive and giving to yourself as you would be to a boss, a customer, a child, a friend or a mate. Make your wants and needs a priority and focus.”

As I have written - You are UNIQUE - You are SPECIAL - You are ONE-OF-A-KIND!!!

Live, laugh, and love!!!


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