Thursday, February 20, 2020

Staying in love - some little suggestions

Staying in Love

Okay, we had Valentine’s Day (with quotes and songs), we talked about divorce and two days on Gray Divorce (between seniors).

Now, tips to stay with in love with your partner.

Jumping around in the article - Fun and Friendship:

15. Pay attention to what makes you both smile and consciously plan to do those activities more often
16. Save a Netflix show for just the two of you
17. Find couple friends that you both enjoy hanging out with
18. Watch comedy together and find your mutual sense of humor
19. Create inside jokes and keep them private
20. Be curious about how your partner changes over the years
21. Listen to music you both enjoy
22. Play games together (board games, cards, sports, video)
23. Maintain your individual friendships
Hey - this is your best friend, your lover, your spouse.  You need to ENJOY this person - as BFF - Best Friends Forever!!!  That means doing things you enjoy TOGETHER.
PRAGMATIC (the nitty-gritty life stuff)
38. Do a chore that your partner hates
39. Do something that is usually your partner’s responsibility
40. Pull the covers down for your partner if you get in bed first
41. Leave their toothbrush out for them if you’ve brushed yours first
42. Let them sleep in on the weekend and take the kids out of the house
43. Cook their favorite meal
44. Offer a massage or foot rub
45. Let them choose the movie 
46. Think and act like a team
47. Pick up the slack when they are stressed or busy
48. Find ways to make each other’s days easier
Life isn’t always fun and games - doing the little things for and to each other can keep your marriage fresh.  Pull down their covers in bed, set out their toothbrush. Be there to help carry the load.

This article has lots of suggestions.  I’m going to return to it tomorrow!!

The biggest take-away for me is “don’t let your marriage go stale”.  Don’t take each other for granted - (or as one of my students said “for granite”).  

Did you say - in public - that you would love and cherish this person until one of you dies?  Hey, make the commitment to DO THAT!!!

More tomorrow!!!



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