Saturday, February 8, 2020


WOOOOOO!!!  YEEHAW!!!!! Let’s take a couple of days to CELEBRATE!!!

And, what are we celebrating? Really - it is YOU that is celebrating!!!

We are going to have two days of CELEBRATING YOU!!!!

Hey YOU - you are unique!!  Yes, YOU are the only one that has all of your traits, your quirks, your thoughts, your strengths, your weaknesses - you are UNLIKE anyone else.  Sure you have things in common with your siblings, things in common with your family, things in common with your friends - but put everything today - YOU ARE UNIQUELY YOU!!!!  And you need to CELEBRATE that!!!

Let’s find some ways:
-1 Take a break!!!  It is Saturday!!! Maybe you have a busy day but TAKE A BREAK.  If you are running errands, stop and get a cup of coffee (or donut or whatever).  Go out to dinner. Get away from the rat-race for a couple of days!! (Some might call this a two-day ‘staycation’ - but with a special purpose - to CELEBRATE YOU!!!!)

-2 Write a letter of GRATITUDE to yourself!!!  The article suggests:
“Many of us have taken the time out to express our gratitude to others, but very few of us have really invested the energy in focusing on what we are grateful for in ourselves. Write a list or a letter highlighting all of the things about you that you’re grateful for. For example the ability to juggle work and family, or that you have found a way to live within your means. Or maybe you are grateful that you’ve been eating and living in a healthier way since January.”

In all of history, of the billions of people who have been on this Earth, you are unique.  Your fingerprints are unique as other parts of the body - like retina scans. Even if you have an identical twin, you are not them - you are YOU!!!!

-3 Release your inner-child!!  What have you talked yourself out-of in the past?  How about paintball? Doing a one-day art class? Conducting the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in the finale to the Firebird Suite?  (Or playing the Tympani on the last three minutes of Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony finale - I can picture myself POUNDING my maillots into the tympani).  How about the indoor skydiving (there is a place in Austin where a person can FLY)!!

-4 Celebrate with others - on the day they are also CELEBRATING!!!   Ask your friends in for a potluck or go to a restaurant with friends!!!  Enjoy being YOU with others!! (And, put away those cell phones - maybe find yourself a little quiz to do together - like the Valentine’s Music quiz I am posting tomorrow).

-5  Give yourself some extra time, get up in time to enjoy the extra cup of coffee by your window (as I write the sun is coming up, gilding the sky with its warming rays!!!), or to snuggle up and watch a favorite movie.  
-6  Give yourself a 'shout-out’ on your favorite social-media!!!
“Hop on Facebook or Twitter and write a post that simply says something like, "I'm feeling great today, I hope you are, too," or "I'm having a great day today, I hope you are, too!" Your social media circle will love that you are feeling happy, and they will appreciate that you're wishing good feelings on them as well. “

Whatever you are doing - it is YOU - UNIQUELY YOU.  Now you can celebrate with your spouse or with friends - where you ALL are unique.  

Let the gloom of a February day fade away in celebrating you!!!  Spring is COMING!!!!



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