Friday, February 7, 2020



Yesterday, I wrote about bridges - and in particular about bridges washing out in floods.

Bridges are just one aspect of infrastructure.

A definition of infrastructure is: “the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

I live in Central Texas (Austin area) where the infrastructure keeps booming.  While in South Dakota, Minnesota and even Iowa and Connecticut there are two seasons:  Winter and Road Construction; in Central Texas - road construction goes year around.  

Homes are being built on what was empty land recently.  In my area, new power grid structures are going up with the linemen attaching the various cables and power lines.  And, where the infrastructure is below ground, it seems like the ditch digging equipment is also active with trenches for power cables, gas, and more.

But, like bridges yesterday, infrastructure can age and may need replacing.  What were roads 100 years ago were narrow and might hardly be considered lanes today.  How about your city’s sewer system? Crumbling and in need of repair. Or, maybe it needs improvements because of so many additional users.  How about your electricity? When I lived in Connecticut, there was a slow process to try to bury electrical lines. During some of the major winter ice storms, icy branches fell off trees and on to powerlines knocking them down.  Water lines? Water lines can get corroded and need replacements. 

Of course, there is always some new infrastructure coming along with technology.  5G is the upcoming standard for telecommunications. Verizon says 5G is: “Ultra-fast speeds, ultra-low latency & massive capacity. Built right with the power to change more than your phone. It will change everything. Real Response. True Chat. Flash Loading. Responsive Gaming. Instant View.”  

Cities, businesses, educational institutions need to keep up on infrastructure.  In many cases, newer infrastructure will be faster AND cheaper than old versions.


In a similar vein, how about YOUR infrastructure?  How about your heart that has been functioning for many (or in my case, many, many) years?  Are those blood vessels getting corroded (i.e. hardening of the arteries, buildup of plaque).  How are your knees and legs? Have you “pickled” your liver with too much alcohol? Are your kidneys functioning?  

In some cases, you can ‘fix’ your human infrastructure with new parts.  (Hey, can I have a new heart with a heart transplant?). But, those processes are expensive and may not give you all the functionality you want and need.

How about the body in general?  Keeping it trim and flexible? Getting enough exercise?  Are you working your brain enough? Is your body going to make it to one-hundred years?  

Like the appropriate authorities send inspectors to check the sewers, electrical lines, water lines, and so much more, are you getting your body inspected?  

Like infrastructure you can do some preventative maintenance now.  Keep your weight down; get your sleep; eat properly; get exercise; exercise your brain; and even relax appropriately.

Take care of yourself!!!


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