Saturday, April 4, 2020

Coronavirus and Stress - some suggestions

I am SO STRESSED *&(*&(&^%**$

Are you going “Stir Crazy”?  I am!!! (And, I’m really not a nervous Nelly - ever).  My weeks are generally quite full for a retired lady. Bridge, orchestra, Granny Basketball, two Bible Studies, and very regular exercise (plus writing this blog and more!!).

In recent weeks, there have been days where I have spent almost all of my time in my 582 square foot apartment.  The better days have involved walking with friends - and a few of those days involved sharing a meal (appropriately socially isolated) on park benches!!!

So, let’s see if this article from Success.Com 

The article starts this way:
“Are you feeling anxious? Stressed about the current events? I want to empower you to take steps to control your fears because having anxiety about the coronavirus isn’t going to help you.
“Stress can boost your immune system in small bursts. However, when stress is prolonged, like what our world is currently facing, the immune system’s increased effectiveness slows down and eventually drops in the opposite direction. Like you, your immune system gets exhausted and cannot optimally function when it is exposed to long-term stress. And, given that your immune system is responsible for fighting off pathogens and keeping your body healthy, a stressed-out immune system can result in greater susceptibility to illness.”
Stress, in small doses, can be good for us.  I can get up and move - because I “have to”. Like the sound of a fire alarm will immediately get us out of our chairs and outside - whether it is just a test - or a real fire.

But, too much stress, too much time fretting about the COVID-19, the loss of work, the loss of income, the difficulty of getting to the grocery store and finding toilet paper can be overwhelming.

Let’s see what the article has:
-1 Control your stress.  
Don’t let the stress get in charge of your emotions.  Take a deep breath, go for a walk, think logically, is this going to be the end of your world?  The answer to that is “NO”. It is time to play your favorite tunes, dance to your favorite song, watch funny videos and silly sitcoms.

-2 You are not helpless in the face of the stress.
Is this virus going to kill you?  Probably not.  


Let’s go to a different stress scene.  You have been with friends for the evening.  You have had a good time, and it is time to go home.  As you get behind the wheel, you realize that (umm) you might be too drunk to drive.  You think about it for a few seconds. You are a good driver, although you have had a couple of speeding tickets over the years.  You get behind the wheel and you are driving - and a squad car comes behind you with its lights flashing.  

For me, I would be stressed.  I’m sure my brain is full of “fight” or “flight”.  Can I outrun the squad car? (NO WAY), Can I fight the cop/highway patrolman?  (NO WAY). Taking a deep breath, you are in a situation that thousands face every year.  And, the reality is that you made a mistake and you need to see what happens. If you are stressed up and incoherent when the cop comes to your window, it will be tougher.  (It always takes a few minutes for them to check out your license plates to see if the car is stolen, or if you have outstanding warrants. Breathe, count to ten, picture happy times, picture your happy place.  Count to ten again, breathe again.  

It might be that the cop will check your breath and you aren’t quite to the drunk stage; it might be that you are at the drunk stage - but that it is your first time being stopped for DUI; it might be that you will get a ticket and taken to jail.  You don’t have any control - other than your attitude and controlling your emotions and speech. Ranting, yelling, and swearing are not in your favor. Saying “I’m sorry might be helpful. Being calm (and contrite) might be your best defense.  

We all occasionally have lapses in rational thought.  Staying at the party until you sobered up might be the best.  Sleeping in your car might have been good, calling Uber or Lyft to get a ride home might have been good, asking a sober friend to drive you home might have been good - but this time, you weren’t thinking straight.  

Although I have never been in this exact situation, I can understand it.  You are mad at yourself, you are stressed out. But, you must control your emotions - and you can do it!!!  Maybe you can stop and pray, or sing a comforting song, you can “put on a happy face”!!!

Being cool in line with the virus, being cool in line with being stopped by a police figure, being cool when you just got fired, being cool when you just heard that your spouse, parents, child, or other has cancer - takes mental agility.  Being cool when you have been ‘locked’ up in your home or apartment for four days during the virus pandemic can affect you mentally - but you must rise up against it.  

The article says: “While you might not be able to change everything that is going on, you can change your reaction to it. And that can help reduce your anxiety.”.

Maybe you can think:  “What would Pollyanna do!!!”.

We will do more on this concept and article tomorrow!!!



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