Thursday, April 30, 2020



“The U.S. not only has more confirmed coronavirus cases than any other country on the planet, but it surpassed 1 million cases Tuesday — approximately one-third of the global total. American fatalities, meanwhile, have topped the number of U.S. deaths in the Vietnam War. On Twitter, President Donald Trump attributed the enormous number of cases to good testing. He promised the U.S. will soon be conducting 5 million tests per day, though the White House official in charge of testing said “there is absolutely no way on Earth” that can happen.”

PACKING PLANTS (I wrote about this last week)
After more than a dozen high-profile plant closures due to outbreaks of coronavirus — and mounting concerns about food shortages — President Trump issued an executive order that meat producers must keep working. This week, U.S. pork production was reduced by about 20 percent, and beef production by 10 percent. The Labor Department said it would help defend plant owners from legal action over workers being put at risk during the course of business, though it isn’t planning to legally compel employees to show up to work.

Customers and employees can sue a business for lost wages, medical expenses, and other damages if they prove negligence, recklessness, or intentional disregard for their safety. But some recommended precautions for COVID-19 could run up against workplace protection laws, such as:
  • Telling other employees when someone is sick (privacy violation)
  • Requiring workers to test negative before coming back (discrimination and health privacy)
  • Prohibiting at-risk populations like the elderly from coming to work (more discrimination)
Texas is going to have a limited reopening tomorrow (May First).  So, an employee that might not be showing symptoms comes to work and shares the virus with other employees and customers.  One (or more) of the employees or customers catches the virus, shares it with his/her family and some die.  Can you sue? 

Who would you sue?  The business for not testing every employee?  The employee who shares the virus? 

Aside: I’m over 70 - do I qualify as “elderly”? (I think I am a “senior”, but somehow “elderly” implies old - and I’m not old!!

It almost sounds like the mesothelioma ads on TV!!  (American’s love to file lawsuits where, even if they don’t win, the companies frequently settle outside of court!!!)

And, if the rest of the news isn't enough: “This year is on course to be the world’s hottest since measurements began, according to meteorologists, who estimate there is a 50% to 75% chance that 2020 will break the record set four years ago.

And, Pollyanna Karen jumps in.  Are you still alive?  Can you still laugh?  

As I suspected, someone has been adding soil to my garden. The plot thickens.

I went to the zoo yesterday.  There was a loaf of pumpernickel rye in a cage.  The zookeeper said it was “bread in captivity”

Q:  How do you cut the ocean in half?  A:  With a sea saw

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will spend thousands of dollars on fishing gear he uses twice a year!!!

Our attitude makes the difference - do you see the ‘doom and gloom’ or do you see the possibilities that will come after this is all over?  You can change your attitude and be positive!!!

Love and Hugs to you all!!


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