Monday, April 20, 2020

Mercy - part II

Parts from: - from Rick Warren

Yesterday, I started this two-part view at Mercy (in conjunction with “Divine Mercy” Sunday).  Today, let’s finish it off!!!

So, how can we be merciful?  (First - the three points from yesterday)
-1 Be patient with people’s quirks. .
-2 Help anyone around you who is hurting. 
-3 Give people a second chance. 

-4 Do good to those who hurt you. 
The adage “to err is human; to forgive, divine” (Alexander Pope) is tough.  My human nature wants to exact revenge.  

As I age, I think a lot of my philosophies and views have changed.  First, I recognize that I am going to die.  I’m closer to death at age 72 then I was at age 30 (when I started teaching at the college level).  I’ve been humbled.  “Revenge is mine, says the Lord”.  In the long run of things, being good to those who hurt me works a lot better than turning the tables on them. 

I’m “reading” (as an audiobook) (on my chess playing friend’s recommendation a Ken Follett book - “The Fall of Giants”. (aside - it is LONG - over 30 hours of listening).  The book is fiction but relating to World War I.  The Archduke Ferdinand was killed in the current chapter, Austria will eventually want to get revenge on Serbia from killing the Archduke and Germany as Austria’s ally will join in.  Russia will get into the battle to maintain access to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.  England (aka “the United Kingdom”) will get involved - and BOOM revenge leads to the First World War.  Maybe I have been a pacifist - but I believe that even in the real world that communication and love can make a difference.

-5Be kind to those who offend you. 
It is easy, very easy to get offended these days.  With the American political system almost universally divided 50/50 among Republicans and Democrats, I see barbs being thrown on Facebook, Twitter and social media sites with regularity.  

There was a casual comment on social media a couple of weeks back that was intended to be comical that lashed a multi reply mud fight. 

Let’s be honest, not everyone is going to agree with me and my views (and maybe not even with my lifestyle choice); and likewise, I probably am not going to agree with everyone else.  God gave us “Free Will”.  We can choose how we act.  

-6 Build bridges of love to the unpopular. 
As I write this, I think of a friend from my bridge group.  Most of us in that group are pretty much the same - good education, good jobs, having a good retirement - but (seemingly) this person took another route to his retirement.  I sense he is an outsider in the group - and thus, I need to show him more love and acceptance!!!


To conclude, showing mercy is important.  I consider Mercy on a par with being Nice.  “If you can be anything, be nice”, is as good when expressed “If you can be anything, be merciful”.

Let’s see - wrapped together:  Merciful, kind, nice, gracious, forgiving, loving, friendly, humble; as compared to Mean spirited, unkind, toxic, bratty, mad, hateful, and bragging - I’ll take the first list, please!!!



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