Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Sunday 2020

Happy Easter!!!

The lady was driving down a rainy, wet road.  The road was empty, with no other cars.  She was trying to adjust the car radio when all of a sudden a six-foot-tall white rabbit with a large basket ran out of the bushes and directly into her path.  She slammed on her brakes, but, alas, it was too late and she ran over the rabbit.  She backed up, pulled to the side of the road and put on her flashers.

She went forward to see the damage done to the rabbit.  She had never seen a rabbit this big.  Was it a person in a rabbit suit?  Then she noticed, strewed around the rabbit were thousands of colored eggs, that must have come out of the rabbit’s basket.  She checked the rabbit - and it was NOT a person in a rabbit suit, it was a rabbit - although a huge one.  She quickly dialed 911 on her cell phone and got a dispatcher who indicated she would send out an officer immediately.  She tried to pick up the eggs and got most of them back into the basket as she waited for the authorities to arrive.  

A car with “County Sheriff” on it pulled up behind her and put on his flashers.  The sheriff came up to her - an older, white-haired man, with wrinkles and a worn cowboy hat.  He pulled his hat off and said “Hello Ma’am” and flashed his badge.  She whimpered out “hello” - too much in shock for much more.  

The sheriff walked around the rabbit, bent over it, took it’s the pulse and said: “Ma’am - you just killed the Easter Bunny”!!

She burst into copious tears - she with two toddlers at home - who would not get any Easter Eggs this year.  

After a few seconds, the sheriff cleared his throat and asked: “Ma’am, can I see your purse?”
Her mind raced - did he suspect that I was drinking and driving?  Why would he want to check my purse?  He didn’t check her with a breathalyzer test and acted like he didn’t think she was drunk.

Her purse was a large one, with lots of goodies in it.  The sheriff dug in it for a minute and found what he wanted.  He pulled out a canister and liberally sprayed the rabbit liberally with the contents.  He then pushed her back a few steps and said: “Be quiet, stand still, and stay back”.

What seemed like a long minute, but was probably only thirty seconds, the rabbit first wiggled a finger, then a toe.  It seemed like ten minutes before the rabbit had wiggled all of his body parts and forced himself to stand up.  He dusted himself off and looked around, although not really seeing the sheriff or the lady.  He did a couple of squats and then jumped into the air and started walking down the road.  But about every ten steps, he stopped and waved at the trees, the sky, and even to the sheriff and the lady.  This continued until he was out of sight.

“Wow - what was that?  And, what did you take out of my purse” asked the lady?

“Well”, drawled the sheriff, “as you suspected, that was the Easter Bunny.  And, fortunately, you had the right stuff in your purse.”

“What was that?” she asked.

“Hair (hare) restorer with a permanent wave”

Okay, a dumb story. (and, definitely not from me!!!)

I know I have readers from different backgrounds.  As a Christian, Easter has special meaning to me, but I want to respect other traditions today.  

In Christian thought and really in northern hemisphere thought, Easter is the central part of “Spring” - new life is in the air - the grass is coming up, flowers are blooming, even cattle, sheep and farm animals are having their young.  

“New Life” - that concept that “hope springs eternal”.  Easter is hope (for Christians in the appearance of a risen Jesus) - but for all - hope.  

This year, we need hope - we need to believe that with a bottle of HairSpray, everything will work out (or maybe not with hairspray, but with some antibodies or shots or medications).  

I believe in HOPE - hope for the future, hope for the resurrection of humanity after this pandemic.  Can you join with me - no matter how you pray or meditate and pray for hope, for restoration, for a new life?

And, more to my philosophy - I am to love all people as we all are made in the image of God; I am to love justice, show mercy and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8); I am not to judge (lest I be judged).  If I have faith, but I don’t live it, I am like a noisy gong (1 Corinthians 13:1)

Happy Easter!!!


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