Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hope - and - fantasy!!!

Fantasy / Science Fiction

Lately, I’ve been trying to put a plot together for a children’s book for my grandchildren.

Some of the best selling and well-liked books are in ‘fantasy worlds’.  We have J.R.R. Tolkien with “Lord of the Rings”; C.S. Lewis with the Narnia stories; Isaac Asimov with robot worlds; Harry Potter; Avatar; Dune; Pern; Sleeping Beauty; Cinderella; Hansel and Gretal; Frozen; Wizard of Oz; Jules Verne; The Game of Thrones; even to Barrie and Peter Pan; Lewis Carroll with Alice in Wonderland; and even those that aren’t quite ‘fantasy worlds’, but close enough: Robinson Crusoe, Tarzan Swiss Family Robinson, Mary Poppins (which switches in-and-out of fantasy worlds).

There are realistic novels and those that entertain us with something that ‘could’ be possible (like walking through a wardrobe and finding a different world with Narnia).  

There are novels that, while realistic enough, just hint at fantasy - poor orphan girl meets rich boy, and later you find the girl is an heiress to a fortune (“The Wedding Dress” by Rachel Hauck that I ‘read’ (audiobook) last week).  

So, why do we like fantasy worlds?  A way to escape? Dreams of something better?

I use that introduction as I still am trying to “find myself” (and I didn’t know I was lost!!”)   

Am I trying to find a ‘fantasy world’ for me - a way out of a dead-end retirement world?  (Yes, I know I can get into too much introspection!!!)

What can we learn about our interest in fantasy worlds?  That we want to escape for a period of time? That by escaping we can see the beautiful life and relieve our stress for a while.

So, I am looking at this link about why we like fantasy worlds.

The author of this article says:
-1 Once in a while, the real world gets to be a little too much!!!
In our current crisis, I think fantasy worlds have a lot of appeal.  We can get away from the virus, from the isolation, from quarantines.  We can “hide our heads in the sand” and not worry about the future of our economy; and of our world.  Hey - I can be a wizard and get away for a while!!

Which leads to point 
-2 Magic.  While not all the fantasy worlds involve magic, most take a leap from reality.  Harry Potter runs at a pillar in the train station at platform 9-and-¾. Tolkien has magic rings.  

-3 “All good fantasies, at their core, are a story about our humanity.”
From the article:
“Beneath all the larger than life incredulity and saving the Universe/humanity rhetoric that most fantasies bank on, these stories (at least the good, enduring ones) at their very core are stories about humans — their emotions, their challenges, their victories, their defeats, their flaws, and their courage.”

And - the real point:
-4 Fantasy gives us HOPE!!!
HOPE is so needed in our lives - maybe today as much as any other day.  I hope that after this coronavirus is over that somehow the world will be a better place; hope that the frog will become a prince; hope that the orphan girl can wear a magic slipper or be kissed by the handsome prince and become a princess.  My granddaughters all want to be princesses. (My grandson wants to be a football star or a fireman). Sometimes as we age, we forget being a princess; we forget our dreams of a better life.

The message of Easter (two days ago) is one of hope - there is something better for us. The expression “Hope springs eternal” (it is human nature to always find fresh cause for optimism.

Yes, maybe I am living a fantasy, but maybe I am living a new reality.  My days are much lighter than before. (My clothes are definitely more colorful and pretty!!!!).  Has this been in my brain for years? Probably!!  

Can I keep my fantasies in the realm of realism?  Can all of us use our hope as a call to action - to share hope in times of despair and doom?  

I am learning so much about life, about myself, about giving back to others, about bringing hope to others these days.  I am also learning more about what keeps me back - comparisons, ego, fear, doubt, and criticisms by others. I need to rise about the mud, the slime pit and see hope - to see heaven - to see love as the answer!!!

How about you?  Do you have fantasies?  Do you have hope? Can you find love, acceptance, healing, and brightness of life?  

May God, however you conceive of Him or Her, bless you in this Easter/Passover season; may He put hope in your heart in these dark times; and give you His perfect peace and great joy!!!



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