Friday, May 15, 2020

Forgive me - for I have judged people with labels.

Oh No - More True Confessions

Along my road, I picked up a harsh viewpoint - of judging and condemning.  I have mentioned it in the past.  Along the way (as a Christian - a very misplaced and wrong Christian - in my opinion), I found a pamphlet “The Spirit of Truth and The Spirit of Error”.  This pamphlet described “authentic Christianity” and non-authentic Christian “Cults” - that look and sound like they are Christians but according to this pamphlet are not.

I was rigorous in this viewpoint for some time.  XYZ Church is NOT a Christian Church as it doesn’t believe in <doctrine> or ABC denomination is NOT a Christian Church as it does believe in <topic X> but ‘real Christians’ believe in <topic Y>.  

I would even sneer when driving past one of these “cult” churches - “They have it all wrong”.  

Christianity from year 33 (Jesus’ death) had tried to define ‘correctness’ in doctrine (and dogma).  The Nicene Creed is maybe the best known of Christian Creeds as it attempted to definitely delineate what Christianity is.  

Of course, within Christianity (as within Judaism - and I assume Islam) there are divisions.

Only for illustration:

Some Christian denominations practice adult baptism, while others use infant baptism; some Christian denominations say communion is truly the Body and Blood of Jesus, and others say, no it is symbolic.  In my recent escapades, I find some Christians allow and encourage LGBTQ+ people as Godly people and some do not.  And, some ignore the issue.  

Within (as I understand) my Jewish friends there are those who love bacon and pork products and those who know that would violate their relationship with God.  

I was “Playing God” (and not doing a good job at it).  

I think we all like labels.  How simple that person is an “A” - and I like the “A” group, therefore I like that person (no matter that the person abuses women or is kind of nasty) .  Or, that person is a “B” and I don’t like the “B” group, so I don’t like that person - no matter how nice and how compatible we might be.  

The other day, I saw a political sign - and the candidate was wearing a white cowboy hat with his name.  I somehow doubt this person wears a cowboy hat all the time (maybe he does), but my analysis is that he is projecting a persona - of a tough, honest (after people wearing black hats are dishonest), and likable candidate.  It was in another district, so I didn’t look up his credentials - what he stands for.  I “assume” I already knew what he stood for by the white hat - and one word on the sign.  How wrong could I be?  (Really quite wrong).

In “Braving the Wilderness” by Brene Brown, she mentions that after one of her talks a person came up to her and said, “You need to read “Deer Hunting with Jesus”.  Now, I did Google that book and it was a bit different than what I expected from the title.  But, the implication to Brown was that the liberals don’t understand the conservative (in this case West Virginia “Rednecks”. The suggestion is that we have (and I agree) a huge class, education, sociological and political divide.  Nobody is reaching across that divide and saying “Hey, let’s talk.  Let’s be friends”.

(Brown in the book describes how she and her family are gun owners, but she is personally against machine guns, or (my terms) weapons of mass destruction.)

With a red face, I can say there were times in the past where I viewed some groups by their labels.  I had very good Muslim students in the past and it took me a while to not label every Muslim as a terrorist.  (Many came to the United States to avoid the terrorists and bloodshed in their previous countries - and for freedom of religion.  And many have faced different hatred here.) 

As I transition more-and-more, and as I age, I realize that the ‘reddest’ of rednecks can be great friends, and the most ‘liberal’, hippies, gay, lesbian people can also be great friends.

I’m not sure I can help unify and cross this divide.  But, I believe that LOVE can (and will) win!!!

And, I want to avoid all labels (except maybe positive ones).  My friend Bob is a fantastic chess player; my friend KB#2 is a delightful husband and father, and a dedicated employee.  My friend BM is also a caring and loving individual - and a great craftsman.  And, if I put labels on any of them, I’d be putting them in a “box” for my benefit.  Maybe I can create a new label “Loving Human Being” - and put all people in it (even those with a knife at my throat!!!)  

(Excuse me for a prayer, “God help me to love ALL people, regardless of any background, color, creed, national origin, political thoughts, economic status.  Soften my heart with love and healing!!!  Amen!!!)



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