Saturday, May 9, 2020

I'm clean!!!

I’m Clean (internally)
Today I’m having a colonoscopy.  It is my fourth experience and never a lot of fun.  I was ready about six weeks ago and the day before (when I was fasting) the clinic called and canceled it. So, yesterday I did the ‘cleaning’ out.  The gallon of laxative has flown through me, I have spent hours in my restroom.  What a great diet plan!!!  

But, let’s look at this in different eyes: Death in the United States. 

So, first a look at colonoscopy:
“The study looked at roughly 25,000 patients in the Veterans Affairs (VA) health system, where colonoscopy is widely used. The VA views it as the main screening test for patients aged 50 and older who have average odds for developing colon or rectal cancer.

“A comparison of screening histories over about two decades found that "colonoscopy was associated with a 61 percent reduction in colorectal cancer mortality," said study author Dr. Charles Kahi.
So, by this “joyful” (NOT) fasting for a day and then drinking laxatives to clean out my system, I am significantly lowering my chances of colon cancer.  I guess the end justifies the means here!!

The top ten causes of death in the United States show cancer as the number 2 cause of death.

Number 1 cause of death - Heart Disease.  Approximately 25% of all American deaths fall into this category (includes vascular - like aorta ruptures - like my issue).  If you will, you can help lower your risk through exercise, healthy diet, and a positive attitude

Number 2 cause of death - Cancer.  This is still the number 2 cause of death, although things like colonoscopy and other detection methods have lowered this a fraction.  Getting tested, seeing your doctor and watching your diet, exercise and other factors (like smoking)

Number 3 cause of death - Accidents (including drug overdoses).  Falling can be a major health issue for seniors.  (One of the first questions I get from physicians and nurses is “Have you fallen later?”).  Personally, I am eagerly awaiting autonomous vehicles (aka “self-driving cars”), to lower the car accident rates.

Number 4 chronic lower respiratory diseases (like the Black Lung Disease my brother-in-law from working in a power plant for years)

Number 5 - Cerebrovascular diseases (aka Strokes - also related to diet, exercise and taking care of your body

Number 6 - Alzheimer's disease.  Potential helps mind include diet, exercise, mental activities, spirituality, happiness, social gatherings, and others.

Number 7 - Diabetes.  Diabetes (and the related aspect of the great number of Americans that are overweight and even ‘pre-diabetic’) can also be a factor in heart disease, and strokes.  Diet, exercise, and education can help.

Number 8 Flu and Pneumonia - that is probably going to rise this year!!!

Number 9 Kidney Disease

Number 10 Suicide

Of these top ten death categories in the United States, many of the risks can be lowered with diet, exercise, and then throw in good judgment, social, spiritual, and positive thinking.  Likewise, many can be lowered with appropriate tests (like my colonoscopy today).  

Years ago, one cause of death was “old age”.  That cause has officially been removed with a closer examination - generally leading to one of the factors (above).  But, for a longer, happier life, do take care of yourself!!!
Hopefully tomorrow I will have a positive report to share!!!



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