Sunday, May 17, 2020

Learning Patience - part II

Lord, I want patience - AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!  (part II)


(First - I am feeling more content today!!  Hurray!!!!)


But, back to patience (and being impatience) - I need to chill out!!!


More from the article:

-1 Know what triggers your impatience

That’s easy!!  I trigger my impatience!!  Okay, the other day, I was to meet a friend for coffee and had my purse, car keys, and was walking out the door, when I checked and got a message that she had forgotten that she had an appointment) and we wouldn’t have coffee.  That is okay - (I do forget things too).  But I only made one cup of coffee as I anticipated having a second cup with my friend.  GRR - why did this happen?  [Okay, Karen - you are learning patience}.  I am learning - slowly but surely - that (1) God is in control, and (2) In Everything Give Thanks (! Thessalonians 5:18).  


It seems to be a control issue with me - and I am learning that I can only control my actions.  That’s the way it is.  Backed up traffic?  Be patient!!  The car behind me was following too closely and rammed my rear end?  Be patient!!  (And get all the details and take pictures next time!!).  


-2 Practice Empathy!! 

Yup - my friend (who forgot that she had an appointment) was at fault.  Big deal (said sarcastically).  That’s okay!!  There will be other days for coffee.  (And, from my wonderful imagination and putting a spin on it, there was probably a big accident between here and there and by not going I missed out on the accident!!!  Isn’t being a Pollyanna wonderful)


-3 Breathe / relax

As I learn more about my impatience, I am learning that “it is what it is”.   (Personal, I was planning on an elective medical procedure this summer - but insurance is not lining up with it.  If it happens - great - and if it doesn’t happen - that is okay.  (Keep giving thanks, Karen)


-4 Note your impatience

This was a new thought for me.  Basically, when I get impatient, I should write down what caused my impatience and what my reaction was.  The idea is that my impatience causes me to go into a bad mood, lose time that could have been spent more productively.  


The author talks about a “Swear Jar”. Every time the person swears he/she had to put money in the swear jar.  The swear jar funds can be donated to a charity.  (One friend has a similar thing - where if she fails at something, she contributes to a charity that she hates!!!  That is a great motivator for her!!!)


-5 Retrain or teach those that make you impatient.

This might not be the situation for me, but let’s try an example.  I’m on the phone doing something important and my four-year-child comes up and pulls my sleeve and asks for a treat.  After the phone call, I should remind him/her that when Mommy is on the phone, that interrupting is not nice (unless it is an emergency - like the house is on fire!!).


-6 Take a break.

When my impatience acts up, maybe it is time to take a ten-minute walk - clear out my brain.  


-7 Accept what you cannot change

Think of the “Serenity Prayer” 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


-8 Focus on the goal and the big picture.

It is said that Edison made thousands of mistakes before having a successful light bulb.  He commented that the mistakes were learning experiences on the way to success.  


-9 Focus on small wins

Hey - I didn’t blow my stack today when I had to wait longer in line at the grocery store.  We are all getting a little frazzled with isolation, give people a chance.  (Love WILL win!!!)


-10 Take pride in your patience

And, when it does come together, sit back and reflect how you were patient in that situation!!!


So, a two day look into being patient.  


From My Fair Lady - where the professor (who thinks he is pretty good) is getting frustrated with Eliza.

But, let a woman in your life

And your serenity is through

She'll redecorate your home, from the cellar to the dome

And then go on to the enthralling fun of overhauling you



Something new tomorrow!!!


So, relax today, this isn’t going to last forever!!!  And I think I know (or believe) in something that WILL last forever - so I need to be patient!!!






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