Friday, October 15, 2021



A work of fiction


Splat.  A wet snowball sloshed into my cheek.  I moved my right hand up to rub my face.  Yes, it was cold and wet and the remains of a snowball were sliding down my cheek.  


This was central Texas in early September.  I didn’t know the exact temperature, but the forecast was for a high of about 95 degrees.  How did a snowball magically appear and smack me?  I turned towards where I thought it came from.  Things looked normal, except for a four by four window framed in a blue light that was standing alone in midair that was rapidly closing.  I ran and stuck my hand in the window.  The window closed around my arm, not tight, but closed.  Using my left hand, I clawed at the corner to widen the window as it seemed to be some kind of a flexible thing. My right arm was getting cold.  

I forced enough of the window open to get my arm out and using both hands grabbed on opposite sides and tugged to enlarge it.  It didn’t go easily, but it definitely getting larger.  Suddenly, the window opened a couple of inches wider, then a force on the other side pushed my arm out - and boom, the window slammed - and immediately the window disappeared.  

How was I going to explain this to anybody?

Let me try:

“Yes, I was walking along, minding my own business when a snowball hit me on a 100-degree day.  It came from a window that was freestanding in the middle of the lawn.  I thrust my arm in, and it collapsed on my arm, I pushed it open and got my arm out and poof - it disappeared”.  

Nope - nobody was going to believe that!!! (Maybe not even myself!!!)


I was mad at first, then eventually, I started to laugh at the incongruity of the thing - a snowball appearing out of nowhere on a hot summer day in Central Texas and smacking me.  Soon, I was laughing outloud.  My mood had been a bit negative and now, here I was laughing hysterically.  A man out walking his dog looked at me like I was totally nuts.  I didn’t really care - it was a funny and weird experience!!!

I tried to get this out of my mind.  Logically this couldn’t have happened, and logically then, it didn’t happen.  Something must have malfunctioned in my brain.  Yep - that was it - a mental blip.


The second time I saw this glowing blue window was about three weeks later.  I was walking to my car after a late rehearsal when a bright light shone on me and the finale from The Firebird Suite was playing somewhere.  I immediately looked to see the light - and there was a neat little window -that was glowing blue, maybe 4 feet by 4 feet over my head - and as I looked a light mist was in the air - but only underneath the window.  And, the music was coming from the window.

To the left or right of the window, there were stars, with the moon rising in the east, then this window with light rain and mist with a bright light as well.  I couldn’t reach the window this time, but as I was getting wet, hustled to my car, shoved my tuba in the back seat, and closed the doors and windows.  Now the mist was coming down on my front windshield (although I could see the stars).  Starting my engine, I ran my wipers to clear the moisture.  

I looked around the parking lot, but I didn’t see anybody.  I wanted anybody - ANYBODY to see if they could see the light and the cloud - but nobody was around.  I waited maybe five minutes, but nobody came out.  I had stayed late and talked with the conductor about our music and I think the two of us were the last two people in the rehearsal room.  He had parked on the other side and after we said ‘goodnight’, she went her way and I went mine.

So, no confirmation.  I must have been dreaming this (again).  But, my windshield and car were getting wet.  

I drove home (about 20 minutes) under the cloud and the light rain.  At a stoplight, the lady in the car next to me, honked and rolled down her window, and yelled at me.  “Do you know you have a cloud right above her car and it is raining?”  

I wasn’t sure how to react - say ‘yes, I know, or deny it, or be glib - “It’s a feature on the Chevy Spark - car wash without the cost”. I answered, “Yes, I know it, isn’t it neat?” (And, fortunately, the light changed before any other exchanges).

On my own part, I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry.  Having a window above my car that was raining on my car was weird - but cool.  And, the music kept changing to some of my favorites - like the Great Gate of Kiev from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, then Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral (I had to slow down before I reached home so I heard the final notes).

But, this was the second time this window had been in my life.  Was it trying to tell me something?  Was this supernatural?  Was this from God?  After all, I was one of those that said, “Rain in Texas is always good”.  I thought of that saying and it seemed to be raining harder!!!

But, by the time I turned into my driveway - boom - the window and rain stopped.  I could see the stars - and, well, I guess, my windshield was clean.  I left the car in the driveway and the moisture dripped off of it!!!

And, like before the oddity of the blue window lightened my mood as I drove home directing the music from the window as my windshield wipers kept time.  


And on the next morning, when I walked out my front door, there was the 4 by 4 glowing blue window, hovering in the air in front of me - and a robotic arm came out of it with a breakfast burrito.  A mechanical voice said “Good Morning, Karen.  This is a fresh breakfast burrito with egg, bacon, American cheese, and mild salsa.  I hope you like it”.

Dumbfounded, I reached for the breakfast burrito.  Was this a treat - or a treat?  I took the burrito from the robotic arm.  The arm retracted and the window went backward about 15 feet, then flew up into the air - and closing as it went so in about five seconds it was gone.

I was about ready to eat the burrito when my brain flashed “warning, warning, warning”.  Oops - could I trust this window - that had thrown a snowball at me, and had been a hovering cloud full of rain to not poison me with a breakfast burrito?  Had the ingredients been properly refrigerated?  Should or could I really eat something that a mechanical arm thrust out at me from a flying window?

The burrito was in yellow paper, but without any nap or identification on it (for sure it didn’t say Taco Cabana or Taco Bell - my go-to places for breakfast burritos). Not that it was valid, but I did a “smell test” and it smelled like real food.  So - not very cautious, I unwrapped it and ate it as I drove down my little sidestreet.  

It was delicious.  I looked at one of the bacon pieces, and it looked, smelled, and tasted like real bacon.  All-day long I waited for indigestion to start, but it didn’t.  And, just thinking of it made me laugh!


I stayed late at work.  The dean want to talk over a new health information class project with me, and by the time I got to my car, the afternoon rush hour (where nobody really rushes) was in full swing.  And, I wanted to be home in time for my Tuesday evening bridge group.  Darn.  

As I came to the first stop signal, I saw a floating box flash through the intersection and the light stayed green for my direction.  Not only this light - but all lights until I go to Mopac expressway - where I would have lost half an hour on stop lights this time of day, I made it to Mopac in 5 minutes.  As I got on to Mopac, the middle lane (where I normally drove) was clear and traffic seemed to be very light.  Again, I thought I saw the floating box ahead, and as I looked in the rearview mirror, maybe behind me as well (or alternating).  The box passed over the electronic sign at Mopac and Koenig street and that sign said “Palmer Lane, 6 miles - 5 minutes” - WOW.  I was driving at the speed limit.  I pulled into my driveway with enough time for a good dinner and I still made it to the senior center for my bridge group.  Again, I was dumbfounded - in a good way.


The glowing blue window was in my brain as I was ready for bed that night.  Outloud I said, “I want a great night of sleep, with sweet dreams, and to be really refreshed in the morning.”  AND, it came to past.  I generally set an alarm at 6:30, but at 6:25, I woke up stretched, and instantly I was reminded of my bedtime statement.  While I couldn’t exactly remember my dreams, there was one with an awesome meadow, a beautiful waterfall, and flowers by the millions.  My memory said, “That was an amazing dream”.  Blue window worked again!!!”

So, I said, “Thank you Blue Window, you are marvelous”!!  (And, I thought I saw a little blue shape behind the curtain dancing with delight.  


So, what was this blue window thing?  It was real - it was a real snowball, a real burrito, a real cloud, and music.  I wasn’t going crazy, it was just bizarre.  And, every time the blue window my mood changed for the better.  


I started to look for the blue window every place, and I did frequently see it.  It played “peek-a-boo” with me - now you see it now you don’t.


With the death of my partner two months ago, my life had been shattered.  We had been together for 34 years and like most couples, there were ups and downs, but it was a very positive relationship. 

I had gritted my teeth and set my mind on getting through this.  Our children had gone home after the funeral, I still had my job to do, but the hurt went deep.  I knew my subject, and still taught a good class, but not like the great teacher I was.  In my senior class, one of my students (who had taken me for two other classes), came up to me and expressed her condolences and concern.  When students start to notice a negative change in my life, it affected my job.  

Maybe I should retire.  But that thought was even more devastating.  What would I do?  Set around the home and mope every day?  No, I needed to keep busy and keep interacting with people.  

And now, this Blue Box was in my life. What did it mean?


To be continued

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