Tuesday, October 5, 2021



Philippians 4:8 “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” 


I’m looking at virtues this week

Yesterday, I went to the philosophical/religious view with the “Cardinal Virtues” (and for those that missed it, it was NOT about being colored red for the male, having a cute topnotch, and flying around - <humor>)

The four Cardinal Virtues were Temperance, Prudence, Courage, and Justice.


But, let me go more informal today 

This list comes from Tom Ziglar (son of Zig Ziglar, noted motivational teacher)

Be kind

Look for the Best

Be selfless

Be the light

Practice Self-Control

Stand firm

Be positive

Never give up


1. Be kind.  The expression “if you can be anything - be kind” seems to apply.  Now - taking the other side for a second.  There were times when my favorite first-century Jewish Rabbi was maybe not so kind to the Pharisees of his time. “You brood of vipers” he called them.  

Back to “be kind”.  There are very few reasons not to be kind.  When the clerk at the store is being a jerk, I need to remember they might have had a long day.  They’ve been on their feet for hours (maybe), maybe they had a fight with their spouse, maybe they heard that they have cancer, or whatever.  It seems that all people have some issues.  Proverbs 15:1 says “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.”

Be kind, be nice, be forgiving, let LOVE WIN!!!


2. Look for the best.  I want to believe that all people have some good in them.  Even Darth Vader still had some humanity within himself at the end.  (For my political-minded friends - even Joe Biden and Donald Trump have some good within them!!!)  <tongue-in-check>

An old story is of two famous actresses who were cast in a Broadway play and that they hated each other (something about one of them stole the other one’s husband!!!).  To be on the stage at the same time, they had to focus on the BEST in each other.  Each had won prizes, Oscars, Emmys, and had a fan following.  They needed to find the best “She is a great actress” instead of “I hate her”.  

3. Be selfless.  Since we are talking about virtues, thinking of others first should be part of virtue.  If you will - all of us are in this together.  Can my actions help others?  As John, the Baptist said, “He must increase and I must decrease!!”  Go the extra mile, do the extra work.  

4. Be the light.  Okay, I have some trouble “being the light”.  Is this like the light in a dark tunnel - “follow me”?  Is this like the sun - “let the sunshine in”. Do people want to go to the light?  Is this being a leader?  Am I to “shed light for all to see”?   Does this mean "Follow Me?".

5. Practice Self-control.  I’m seeing a pinball machine - the ball is banging off the various bumpers in erratic directions - not in control - or being consistent and thoughtful.  Maybe I need to be a little more controlled instead of banging off walls!!! <ouch>. I need to say "NO" more, be more controlled in my life!!!

6. Stand firm - I think this goes with #5 - self-control.  James 1:9 says “He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”  Do I bound around?  Or do I stand firm?  

7. Be positive.  (I think I’m O positive - not B positive!!! - a blood typing category!!! <grin>)

I am generally upbeat.  Only a few people ever see me when I have a negative issue.  Life is too short to be negative.  Live life to the fullest - and be POSITIVE!!!

8. Never give up.  Keep living YOUR life!  Keep following your dreams!  “Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, til you find your dream” (from Sound of Music). 


These sound like valid virtuous ideas and actions!!  LOVE WINS!!!


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