Wednesday, October 13, 2021



I guess if I’m talking about fiber and hydration, I have to add sleep to the agenda.

Sleep, sleep, sleep

How we love to sleep

At the close of day

When the joys of the day fade away and the memories sweet

Of the day repeat 

In our dreams they creep

While we sleep, sleep, sleep

(Duke Ellington - composer and singer)


If you are a parent or a grandparent, you have seen your kids (or grandkids) tell you “I’m not tired, I don’t want to go to bed, I don’t want to nap”.  At my age, I want to go to bed, and I want to nap!!!  

“The most basic reason why you need enough sleep is to give your body time to repair itself. Sleep helps the body rebuild muscles, maintain good skin and keep your senses sharp. Even better, getting a good night’s sleep actually boosts your other abilities as well.

It seems like every health concern mentions sleep as highly important.  Diabetes - get enough sleep; dementia - get enough sleep; mood - get enough sleep.  Nutrition - get enough sleep.

“Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day. Getting less than 6 to 7 hours of sleep for just one night can have an effect on you the next day. And chronically missing out on sleep increases the risk of disease. “

So here are the top health benefits of sleep

10 Top Health Benefits of Sleep (

1. Heart health\

“During sleep, your body releases hormones that keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening blood pressure and heart function. This can be a problem if you already have a heart condition, and, over time, it, can lead to heart disease.  

Your heart will be healthier if you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.”


2. Sleep helps with your blood sugar

“Sleep helps regulate your body's metabolism. And sleep deprivation can have a number of health effects related to your metabolism. One of these is a fluctuation of your glucose (sugar) levels. This can be a problem for people who have diabetes, and it can also increase the risk of developing diabetes.”


3. Helps get rid of stress

“Sleep helps your mind and body relax and recover from your day. When you are deprived of sleep, your body releases stress hormones. Stress can cause you to react in ways that aren't productive—sometimes making rash decisions or acting out of fear.

Without a good night's sleep, you can end up feeling anxious until you finally get some much-needed rest.


4.  Sleep helps with inflammation 

“Sleep regulates your immune system. When you don't get enough sleep, inflammation can result. You won't usually notice excess inflammation, but it can have an effect on your body. Chronic inflammation damages the body and increases the risk of many health conditions, including ulcers, dementia, heart disease, and more.”


5. Sleep helps you to be more alert (the next day)

“A good night's sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. This will help you focus, get things done, and be able to socialize and enjoy recreation and hobbies. Energy and alertness also help you exercise, which is important for your overall health.”


6. Sleep helps your memory!!!

“Researchers have found that sleep plays an important role in a process called memory consolidation. During sleep, your body may be resting, but your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings, and memories.


7. Sleep can help you lose weight

“Researchers have found that people who sleep fewer hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that a lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite.”  (Hey, I’m going to take a nap now!!! <grin>)


8. Help you keep your physical balance

“Sleep helps you maintain optimal physical abilities. Studies show that sleep deprivation leads to impaired short-term postural stability.


9. Sleep helps with complex thought processes

“Executive function involves complex thinking, such as the ability to problem-solve, plan, and make decisions. Along with alertness and memory, executive function helps you with work, school, social interactions, and life in general. One night of sleep deprivation can impair executive function the next day.”


10. Sleep lets the rest of your body recover

“Sleep is a time for you to relax, but it's also a time during which the body is hard at work repairing damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays, and other harmful exposure. Your cells produce certain proteins while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair the damage of the day so you can stay healthy.”


Yes, I am “preaching to the choir” again.  I think most of us implicitly know that sleep is good for us (Even those crabby kids who are yelling “I don’t need to sleep:” really do need their sleep!!

I never did an “all-nighter” cram session before a test in college.  I’m amazed at those who said “yes, I did an all-night cram session”. I worried that they would fall asleep on my tests!!!


So, from this week - get your fiber, get your liquids, and get your sleep.

My father (who was a jokester) used to say “I can get by on four hours of sleep a night”.  But, then he would add “Just as long as I got another four hours of sleep during the day”!!


LOVE WINS - and LOVE WINS even better when we are awake, alert, and well-rested!!!


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