Thursday, July 2, 2020

Lower Blood Sugar

!5 Ways to Lower Blood Sugar

In the past two days, I shared suggestions on conquering diabetes.  I want to cover a few different a few additional items here.  

The main point of the past two posts and this new post - is DON’T GET DIABETES!!!  Yes, you can live with diabetes - with insulin shots and control - but it is better is you don’t need to control it from outside.

So, quickly (before a Fourth of July post tomorrow) about 15 ways to lower blood sugar.

-1 Exercise regularly

Yup - we’ve heard that before - and it is still is there!!!

-2 Control you carb intake

Maybe a little more on this.  (1) Count Carbs; (2) using a food exchange system; and (3) Plan your meals better!!  Eating out is generally a carb mistake - eating at home with good plans can help you control carbs better!!!

-3 Eat more fiber 

Another one we have seen before!!

-4 Drink Water and stay hydrated 

-5 Implement portion control

If you don’t overeat and eat an appropriate amount, you will do better with your blood sugar

Keep a good journal, read the nutrition statement.  

-6 Eat foods with a low glycemic index

We didn’t have this one before.  The article says:

“Foods with a low glycemic index include seafood, meat, eggs, oats, barley, beans, lentils, legumes, sweet potatoes, corn, yams, most fruits, and non-starchy vegetables.

-7 Control stress level

The article says “One study showed that exercise, relaxation, and meditation significantly reduced stress and lowered blood sugar levels for students

-8 Monitor your blood sugar levels

Keep track of these levels in a log

** In the past (before COVID-19) I went to my local HEB grocery for their “Second Saturday Testing” One of the tests that were done was blood sugar.  But, I have not had blood sugar tests since March.

-9 Get enough sleep

Poor sleeping habits and a lack of rest also affect blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. They can increase appetite and promote weight gain.

-10 Eat Foods Rich in Chromium and Magnesium

The article says:

“Chromium-rich foods include egg yolks, whole-grain products, high-bran cereals, coffee, nuts, green beans, broccoli, and meat.”

“Magnesium-rich foods include dark leafy greens, whole grains, fish, dark chocolate, bananas, avocados, and beans.”

-11 Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Okay - I’m not sure of this.

“To incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet, you can add it to salad dressings or mix 2 teaspoons in 8 ounces of water.

-12 Experiment with Cinnamon

“Studies show cinnamon can also lower blood sugar levels by up to 29% 

-13  Try Berberine

“Berberine is the active component of a Chinese herb that's been used to treat diabetes for thousands of years.

I’m not familiar with Berberine - maybe I should look it up!!!

-14 Eat Fenugreek Seeds

“Many studies have shown that fenugreek can effectively lower blood sugar in diabetics. It also helps reduce fasting glucose and improve glucose tolerance

“Fenugreek seeds are also considered one of the safest herbs for diabetes

-15 Lose Weight!!!


Okay - my friends - we saw that about 2/3 rds of the United States population is overweight is obese - and the rest of diabetes is much higher with overweight folks.  Overweight/diabetes is life-threatening and can lead to many negative issues!!

Hugs!!!  Fourth of July is tomorrow - be safe - avoid crowds - practice social distancing!!!


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