Saturday, July 11, 2020

Sunday Funday - July 12, 2020

Sunday Funday!!!

Hey Blog Readers!!

Sunday is when I throw some miscellaneous stuff together - stuff that I have found interesting and you might too!!


Karen Memes: 

I was only slightly familiar with a “meme” - until the name KAREN - became a meme!!

Get’s get the definition:

“A meme is an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation.”

“A humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.”

Karen is now a meme for a  “Rude-Middle-Aged-White-Woman”

From that link ( we have this:

“Karen is a mocking slang term for an entitled, obnoxious, middle-aged white woman. Especially as featured in memes, Karen is generally stereotyped as having a blonde bob haircut, asking to speak to retail and restaurant managers to voice complaints or make demands, and being a nagging, often divorced mother from Generation X.”

Even CNN has joined in:

“And many have. A "Karen" is generally defined as someone who throws a tantrum at a Starbucks. Who asks to speak to the manager over the slightest inconvenience. Who uses tears to get what she wants. It's also someone who calls the police on black people for, say, asking that they leash their dog in Central Park.”

“The term has people divided. Some have said it's sexist. Others say it's a placeholder for speaking about the casual racism and privilege exhibited by some white women.”

And, the name “Karen” has lost its popularity.  “Just look at baby name data from the Office of Social Security. Between 1951 and 1968, the name "Karen" saw its peak -- sitting pretty in the top 10 for the most popular baby name in the US.”

“But in 2018, the most recent year available, "Karen" was ranked at 635th in most popular names, quite the fall from grace.”

As you know, I haven’t always been “Karen” (and I don’t think I’ve ever been “a Karen”!!!)  I like the concept that “Karen” “Kares” (or “cares”).  

I’ve read there is a male counterpart to “Karen” - and that is “Ken”!!


I’ve read how COVID sufferers have had weird dreams.  In this WebMD article, we have: 

“In fact, since the coronavirus pandemic pressed pause on our lives, America’s time asleep has jumped nearly 20%. But instead of waking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, you might end up feeling, well, somewhat bug-eyed. Vivid dreams about bug attacks top the list of crazy COVID-19 nightmares,”

Hey - that’s a good reason to keep wearing a mask and staying isolated!!!


How about food deliveries? “60% of U.S. consumers order delivery or takeout once a week. 31% say they use these third-party delivery services at least twice a week. 34% of consumers spend at least $50 per order when ordering food online. ... 59% of restaurant orders from millennials are takeout or delivery.” 

DoorDash is leading the way with 44%

UberEats is in second with about 23%

GrubHub is in third with about 22%

(Uber just bought PostMates for $2.65 Billion)!!!  

Wow - I’ve been missing out.  (As a single woman, I rarely eat out - and I make almost all of my meals - and, I am ‘frugal’ (aka ‘cheap’)).


Hey - do you have a home security monitoring system?  Homeland Security has this information:

“Researchers have used data from a major home Internet Protocol security camera provider to evaluate potential privacy risks for users. The researchers found that the traffic generated by the cameras could be monitored by attackers and used to predict when a house is occupied or not.”

So - I am potentially more at risk by having a security camera!!! 


  • Are you moving soon?

  • Here is data about moves within the United States:

  • Top cities people are moving from: NYC, San Francisco, and Chicago.

  • Top cities people are moving to Austin, Chicago, and LA.

  • Some of the most popular intercity moves NYC to LA, San Francisco to Austin, NYC to Austin, NYC to Denver, LA to Austin.

  • Texans: Get ready for an influx of Californians and New Yorkers.

Hey - don’t move to Austin!!!  We have enough traffic already!!!


How about a puzzler?  What is unique about the city of “Stamford Connecticut”?  (in terms of directions - N, S, E, W)

What is a “perfect number” (hint - has something to do with factors)


How about some upcoming “National Days of the Week”

July 15th - National Tapioca Pudding Day!!  (I love tapioca pudding!!!)

July 13th - National Different Colored Eyes Day!!  (I remember a student in South Dakota who had two different eye colors!!!)

July 17th - National Tattoo Day!!  (I’m not sure I am ready for a tattoo yet - do you have one?)

July 19th - National Ice Cream Day!!  (I think I WILL celebrate that day)!!

And, an international day of renown - July 14th is Bastille Day - with the storming of the Bastille prison in France - the start of the French Revolution. And, almost every year at this time, I watch the Tour de France annual Bike Race!! I think it is amazing that these riders go maybe 140 miles a day up and down mountains, and get up the next day and do it again. No wonder Lance Armstrong needed a little "help"!!!


Puzzler answer:  If you go directly North, directly South, directly West - and (surprising enough) - directly East from Stamford Connecticut you will end up in the State of New York!!!

Perfect number - where all the factors of the number add up to the number:  6 is a perfect number (1 + 2 + 3 equal 6).  Which of these are perfect numbers? 12; or 16 or 28 or 32?


Have a great week!!!

(And, if you don’t I will want to talk to the manager!!!)



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