Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Coping With Depression - III

 Coping with Depression - part III - Wednesday, October 21, 2020


Hi Friends!!!

Two days ago, I described my own trip into depression with suicide implications.  This Friday (October 23rd), I am going to describe what seems to be an awesome experience in my life that happened yesterday morning - October 20, 2020.  

But, let’s do today’s blog post.  Coping with Depression.

The link above has this comment, “Many people experience thoughts of suicide at some point in their lives. If you’re having suicidal thoughts, know that you’re not alone. You should also know that feeling suicidal isn’t a character flaw, and it doesn’t mean you’re crazy or weak. It only signifies that you’re experiencing more pain or sadness than you can cope with right now.”

Well, that is “maybe” a little comforting - many people experience thoughts of suicide at some point in their lives!!!  


The article comments like this:

-. Eliminate access to lethal methods of suicide.  

Last week my friend talked of her suicide attempt by taking an overdose of sleeping pills (like a whole bottle).  It used to be that some over-the-counter medications could kill you if you had enough and I think that has been changed.  I think I have heard that sitting in a closed garage with the car running could kill you with exhaust fumes - but even that has been changed.

Do you have guns?  Lock them up!!  


-. Take medications as needed.  (the article says “Your suicidal feelings may become worse if you suddenly stop taking your medications.)

Last fall, as I was feeling very healthy mentally, and as a person who thought I was taking too many medications, I requested permission from my primary care physician to stop taking my low-level depression - and with her permission, I did stop.  Then when a tiny molehill popped up, it became taller than Mount Everest!!!


-. Avoid Drugs and Alcohol  (plus - watch what you eat - too many sugars can mess with you)

-. Stay hopeful - I found great solace in music.  (I will mention the Firebird Suite on Friday - but I have a playlist of “Upbeat Classical” - which includes things like Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony finale (I will I played the timpani on that piece), Saint-Saens “Organ Symphony”, the theme from Star Wars, and more.  (I used to have the theme from Rocky!!)  Music does speak to me!!!

-. Talk to somebody

Monday, I wrote about my friend Anne.  She has insisted that I call her if I get into the same depression/suicide situation!!!    

Over last weekend, I talked to another friend who called me when she ran into some mental troubles - and I think I was of value to her as we talked her ‘down from the bridge’.

-. Pay attention to warning signs


One last observation from the article is this:

“Going through a divorce, losing a loved one, or having financial troubles may instigate a depressive episode. This can lead people to begin contemplating a “way out” from the negative thoughts and feelings.”

“Another common trigger for suicidal thoughts is the feeling of being isolated or not being accepted by others. Feelings of isolation can be caused by sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and gender identity. These feelings often become worse when there’s a lack of help or social support.”

I was ‘caught’ in the whirlwind of divorce, in the negative thoughts of finances.  My mind - that had embraced a radical ‘gender identity’ didn’t help me cope as it should!!!  


My friends - It has been a year since my stay in the mental hospital.  I have a deeper understanding of potential problems - and much better realization of who I am and where I am going - and acceptance of myself.

If you are experiencing depression or considering suicide, call me:  512-876-0XXX  (ask me and I’ll send the last digits).  I think somebody who has been ‘there’ can help immensely!!!


Tomorrow, we will look at depression and suicide from the other side - how to help a child, a friend when the ‘going gets rough for them’!!!




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