Tuesday, October 13, 2020

World Mental Health Day - Part III - Psychological Well Being



This is my third day writing on World Mental Health Day.  It is my thought (opinion) that being healthy mentally may be of more value than being healthy physically.  (Although both are  important)

Yesterday we covered Emotional Well-Being.  Being adjusted emotionally for the highs and lows of life.  Today, we are going to look deeper into that - with our Psychological Well-Being!!!




According to the experts (see the linked page), there are six factors to psychological well-being:

-1 Self-acceptance

-2 Personal growth

-3 Purpose in life

-4 Environmental mastery

-5 Autonomy

-6 Positive relations with others


Let’s look at those factors:


“High Self Acceptance: You possess a positive attitude toward yourself; acknowledge and accept multiple aspects of yourself including both good and bad qualities; and feel positive about your past life.”

“Low Self Acceptance: You feel dissatisfied with yourself; are disappointed with what has occurred in your past life; are troubled about certain personal qualities, and wish to be different than what you are.”

To be healthy mentally, we have to recognize who we are!!  In my recent reading, the discussion of ‘perfectionist’ came up.  Nobody is perfect!!  Nobody.  If you are shooting for being perfect, you’ll never quite make it, and when something is your goal and you don’t make it, you are open to hurt, low self-acceptance, low self-esteem.  

But, on the other hand, if you have no goals, nothing to head towards, you will also probably be disappointed in yourself.  Balance is important and keeping a great mental attitude


-2 Personal Growth

If you want mental health, you need to be growing.  For me, that means understanding who I am (more and more), growing physically (doing my walking - and thinking - and praying), working on German, working on relationships, and more.  To be stagnant is to invite depression and disappointment!!!


-3 Purpose is life is similar to Purpose in Life.

My readers know that a major purpose in my life is, “LOVE WINS”.  My purpose is to share LOVE, to avoid hatred, to display positive actions.!!!

-4 Environmental Mastery

The article says, “Strong Positive Relations: You have warm, satisfying, trusting relationships with others; are concerned about the welfare of others; are capable of strong empathy, affection, and intimacy; and understand the give and take of human relationships.”

“Weak Relations: You have few close, trusting relationships with others; find it difficult to be warm, open, and concerned about others; are isolated and frustrated interpersonal relationships, and are not willing to make compromises to sustain important ties with others.”

Are you okay with your life?  Do you have support?  

That can be a challenge in a time of a pandemic.  Isolation has hurt many people this year.  Call friends, reach out, try to establish ways to cope with your isolation!!!  And, learn to love - really love - people!!

-5 Autonomy

Are you “independent” - that is you can make up your own mind on things?  Recently, I have seen a lot of “group-think” - from riots to ‘yes’ people in terms of politics.  Can you stand up to the bullies, can you be ‘true’ to yourself?

-6 Positive relations with others

I have friends that I love, that I can disagree with on certain issues.  A while back, I let myself feel guilty as I allowed myself a ‘forbidden’ pleasure (really - several - ice cream, peanut butter, Halloween candy, chips).  It isn’t really what I eat - but that I allowed myself to slack off on my beliefs and my goals.  

All the factors today work towards positive Psychological Well Being. 

But, that is enough for one day.  We’ll look more at the Mental Health topic and Social Well Being tomorrow!!




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