Thursday, October 15, 2020



This week, I’ve written about Mental Illness.  Before it gets serious, get them help.  The linked article suggests that 1 out of 5 people have a mental illness.  (Hey folks that is 20%.  My personal guess is that it may be even higher because of COVID!!!)

So, what can you do to show love for a person who is struggling with mental illness?  We’ll just call that person “your friend” today.

-1 Learn about the disease and treatments 

Your friend needs help.  Many people can cope - but when the stress gets to be too much, they can lose balance.  The linked article gives some of the factors:

  • They suddenly no longer have any interest in things they used to enjoy

  • They seem angry or sad for little or no reason

  • They don’t seem to enjoy anything anymore

  • They have told you about or seem to be hearing voices or having unsettling thoughts

  • They seem emotionally numb like they don’t feel anything anymore

  • They eat a lot more or less than they used to

  • Their sleep patterns have changed

  • They seem to be anxious or terrified about situations or objects in life that seem normal to you and to others

  • They’ve been missing more and more time from work or school

  • They’ve been drinking heavily and/or using drugs to cope

  • They are avoiding their close friends and family members.

  • They are talking about taking their life or feeling hopeless

Does your friend have any of these issues?  Anxious?  Have trouble sleeping (or sleeping too much)?.  Emotionally numb?

And, yes, your friend may need professional help, but your friend needs you to be his or her friend!!

-2 Encourage treatment.

There can be different forms of treatment.  Talking with trained counselors is one way to go.  Some may prescribe medications for treatment.  

After my four-day “vacation” in the local mental facility, I went back on my prescription medication.  Seemingly, this drug is a low level and not a habit-forming drug.  Such drugs can help balance the highs and lows!!  

And, a word about counselors.  There are many counselors - get one that you like and brings you results.  There are even Life Coaches - which frequently don’t have the academic credentials, but have the ‘real-life’ experiences.  (I am a Life Coach, but I don’t handle severe mental health issues)

I am generally very good and don’t need frequent counseling anymore, but maybe every other month I talk with my main counselor.  (When COVID struck, this counselor took her ‘work’ home and actually joined a different practice and thus all sessions with her are online - through Zoom).  

-3 Set up specific goals.  Society generally doesn't let a person hide in the back of their closet sucking their thumb.  Get your friend out (to easy/friendly places).  Goals might be to go to a movie or event where they will not be noticed.  That might be hard in COVID days, Maybe just take your friend for a walk in a park. 

-4 Don’t assume you know what your friend needs.  Talk with them, listen critically to them.  What are they saying?  Can you read between the lines to understand them?

-5 Frequently the friend with a mental illness feels that ‘everybody is looking at me’.  Be there to support them.  Emotional support should help them - knowing that somebody is on their side.  Shame is a common problem.  Try not to put them down!!!



Realize that there are times when being a friend might be all that your friend needs.  But, there might also be times when they need to talk to a professional. Listen carefully.  Try to understand.  Ask questions of the person.  

[Aside. when I was at the local mental hospital, there was an older lady - Betty - who saw things, and that people were trying to break into her house.  I was her friend for those days - but I am not trained enough to help with that situation.]

But, do love your friend who is struggling.  At times, it might be a ‘tough love’ where you have to say ‘no’ to giving them money (that they might blow on drugs or alcohol), or ‘no’ to their other schemes.  

We are all made in the image and likeness of God.  Respect your friend and help them if you can!!!




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