Wednesday, October 28, 2020




This week, leading up to Halloween, I’ve looked at scary music, and then yesterday I looked at FEAR.

Let’s finish that article about facing fear.

-6 Don’t try to be perfect

First, you can’t be perfect.  

Second, if you strive for perfection - you put extra stress on yourself.

Third, there will be bad days in everyone’s life - your grandmother dies, your spouse gets cancer, your best friend is killed in a car accident.  You can’t control such events.  But, you CAN control how you react to such events.  Do you go into a deep depression when your dog dies?  Do you shut down because your favorite team didn’t win the big game?  (Or, your candidate didn’t win the election?) Sometimes you have to “roll with the punches”

-7 Visualize a happy place

My friends who read this know that when things got back with my surgery and depression, I found a happy place in thinking of being a woman.  (Strange isn’t it?)

-8 Talk about it

Find a friend that you can trust, that you can talk over your fears.  You don’t want a negative person or one that laughs at you and says “You're crazy”, but a good listener.  One that is a positive force (like me!!).

-9 Go back to basics

Some people want to escape their fears through alcohol or drugs. But, generally, that only digs a bigger pit.  Get some good nutrition, get some sleep, get a good walk, and exercise!!!  

-10 Reward yourself

When you have faced up to your fear when you made the phone call you have been dreading or fired that employee that you needed to fire; when you break up with that abusive spouse; it might be time to reward yourself.  Do something good for yourself.  Go out to eat, buy a book you have been wanting to read, rent that movie you wanted to see.  


Another source was talking about having to deal with a difficult situation at her work.  She knew it wasn’t going to be pleasant to have to correct one of her employees.  She stewed about it for a week and that really built the molehill into a mountain.  Fear that problem.  There might be 30 seconds of true angst, but it will be better for both you (and in this case), the employee.  

Fear is frequently seen as “fight or flight”.  Fight the monster coming at you, or run away.  But, you need to really understand what your fear is.  Is this the time to face that monster (that bully, that person who is harassing or abusing you)?  

But, you have to determine if the fight is really worth it.

Personal.  I’ve been working early voting for my Texas county.  There are times when my supervisor corrects me for things I don’t consider to be problems (I’m just being enthusiastic!!!!).  But, it has led me to accept the correction.  It just isn’t worth the hassle. I need to “turn the other cheek”, let LOVE WIN, In nine days, this election will be over - it just isn’t worth the confrontation.  

Back to a previous question - what fears do you have?  How do you face them?

For me, I need to learn how to put myself in the back and let God take the lead!!! 




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