Saturday, July 31, 2021



AUGUST 1, 2021

Happiness grows at our own firesides, and

is not to be picked in strangers’ gardens.

One joy scatters a hundred griefs.

Happy First Day of August

Ah yes, August!!!  August is the eighth month of the year - and the fifth month (out of seven) that has 31 days.  Named after Augustus Caesar.  In some places, August is the start of the winding down of summer.  I remember South Dakota - where I would start August with shorts and end with a jacket (not always).  

August is “Back to School Month”. I remember for a few years in South Dakota that schools were not allowed to start until the day after Labor Day in September.  That was so rural kids could go to the State Fair and show their projects.  

I liked state fairs.  I’ve been to state fairs in Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska.  As a kid, going to the Iowa State Fair on my birthday was neat!!!  I like wandering through the various barns.  I had to see the cows, pigs, and other farm animals.  State fairs were primarily ways to showcase agriculture.  I can’t remember riding the carnival rides.  But I did walk down the midway and past the various booths - “knock down the bottles and win a prize” - “toss the ring over a prize to win it”.  Maybe from an early age, I informally knew the odds weren’t in my favor - so why waste my money on the games - when I could use it to get a chocolate covered banana or some wonderful delicacy.  Deep fried Oreos, and almost any kind of unusual food were available.  I know my son has tried many of them - for his job.

I don’t share much about my family, but my son, Steve, is “Mr. State Fair” in Nebraska.  As the State Fair Board looked to move out of Lincoln to be more centrally located, and more agricultural oriented, Steve was the newsman who covered every step of the way.  He has become an agriculture expert (maybe not an expert, but he interviews so many farmers, ag researchers, ag businesses, and does a weekly agricultural news program (“Grow Nebraska”), that I think people think he grew up on a farm.  (We didn’t even have pets!!!)  

I grew up in a city but had relatives on farms.  I enjoyed being on the farms - to visit - not to work!!  I worked with my cousins putting up hay - which was probably the hardest work I’ve ever done.  I was in the top of the barn on a hot August day - the hay loft.  The tractor brought the wagon filled with square bales to the lift and the bales came into that space.  My cousin and I had to grab a bale (they must have weighed a ton - okay that is hyperbole - maybe 50 pounds), and manhandle it into a regular place in the loft.  The farmer needed to get a lot of hay moved in, so we couldn’t just let it be.  Hot, humid, sweat, dirt, itchy hat, flies, no breeze, and I’m trying to move 50 pound bales around.  

We did it, the bales got stowed, and I went back to my cousins for maybe the best shower of my life.  I don’t remember dinner, and I don't remember sleeping other than my body and brain shutting down for eight hours!!

Fairs and agriculture were part of my world.  Since moving to Texas, I have been to the Nebraska State Fair (with “Mr. State Fair” - who emceed the opening ceremonies for the fair).  I doubt that I’ll go to the Texas State Fair.  It is in early October in Dallas.


Some deja vu - COVID is back!!!  I’ve seen more masks the last few weeks than the last two months.  Yes, most of us have had full vaccinations, most of us practice safe practices.  I feel very safe - I’ve had my vaccinations.  I have friends who say they won’t get vaccinated.  Yes, I don’t know what is in the vaccines.  But, likewise, I don’t know what was in the food I ate last night.  My simplistic view is to encourage everybody to get vaccinated - and kick Covid to the curb!!

Over 612,000 have died from COVID in the United States.  For comparison, Wyoming has about 580,000 people - so in effect, COVID has wiped out a small state.  



  1. What kind of concert only costs 45 cents? A 50 Cent concert featuring Nickelback.

  2. What did the grape say when it got crushed? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

  3. I want to be cremated as it is my last hope for a smoking hot body.

  4. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

  5. To the guy who invented zero, thanks for nothing.

  6. A crazy wife says to her husband that moose are falling from the sky. The husband says, it’s reindeer.

  7. Ladies, if he can’t appreciate your fruit jokes, you need to let that mango.

  8. Geology rocks but Geography is where it’s at!

  9. Smaller babies may be delivered by stork but the heavier ones need a crane.

  10. My grandpa has the heart of the lion and a lifetime ban from the zoo.

  11. Why was Dumbo sad? He felt irrelephant.

  12. A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case.

  13. I lost my mood ring and I don’t know how to feel about it!

  14. Yesterday, I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I’m okay, but I feel like I’ve dyed a little inside.

  15.  Never trust an atom, they make up everything!


States and Nicknames

What states have these nicknames? (answers below)

  1. Bluegrass State

  2. Magnolia State

  3. Show me State

  4. The Volunteer State

  5. Palmetto State

  6. America’s Dairyland

  7. Equality State

  8. Lone Star State


August 1st - National Mahjong Day

The link says “On August 1st, International Mahjong Day deals a game to get the celebration started! Play your tiles well, and perhaps you’ll honor the day with a win.

The 19th-century strategy game became popular in the United States in the 1920s. While we play the game with tiles, it’s much like rummy. The players meld beautifully designed tiles with Chinese characters and symbols to earn points. Melds include pongs, kongs, chows, and the mighty Mahjong.

Because Mahjong traveled great distances, it challenges people from many different backgrounds. As a result, Mahjong also breaks down communication barriers, bringing neighborhoods and communities together. Since people of all ages play, the game also bridges the gap between generations.”


I have a friend from my bridge group that regularly plays.  Maybe it is time to learn Mahjong!!


August 2nd - National Coloring Book Day

I always liked to color - and now there are coloring books and coloring pages for adults.  I have shared some of my coloring with others.  In particular, last Thanksgiving I colored about 12 Thanksgiving themed pages for friends.  I bought a very nice coloring book that is both artistic and a little challenging.  (And relaxing!!!)


August 3rd - National Watermelon Day

Yes, I like watermelon.  I’m worried that my grandchildren will never know the joy of spitting out watermelon seeds.  I haven’t researched how they made watermelons seedless (or almost seedless), but I am glad they did.


65 years ago, I remember going to cousins for a party that had watermelon.  We ate the watermelon in the yard - and spit out the seeds.  One of my younger cousins came up and broke off the tip of my piece (which is generally sweeter).  That is my most vivid remembrance of that particular cousin!!


I also don’t know how to pick a good watermelon.  Do any of you have ideas on how to pick a good melon?  I had one a week ago that was sweet and delicious and one a month ago what was okay - just kind of blah!!!


August 4th - National Coast Guard Day

Of the official military groups, the Coast Guard gets the least recognition (after the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force).  We lived in Connecticut for 13 years and went to a concert at the Coast Guard Academy. They played one of the traditional medleys of military tunes and veterans were to stand up for ‘their’ song.  Most of the audience stood up for the Coast Guard song!!!  They are some of the unsung heroes of the war on drugs and more.


August 5th - National Underwear Day

At first I didn’t want to highlight ‘National Underwear Day’ - but finally opted for it over National Work Like a Dog Day or National Oyster Day.  


The link says “Underwear is the layer of clothing worn closest to the body and under the outer clothing. It protects clothing from sweat. Underwear also provides the wearer protection from cold and chafing. Another benefit to underwear includes support and body shaping.”


“A 2012 survey by reveals that the average woman owns 20 pairs of underwear – for every day. Then, they own 14 extra pairs for special occasions.”  (And, I think I’m doing well in that category!!!)


August 6th - National Fresh Breath Day

Yes - take care of your breath!!!  I think my nose is not as sensitive as it once was.  I like onions and garlic and probably have a breath that reflects that.  Be nice to your fellow humans and clean up your breath!!!

August 7th - National Lighthouse Day

There are two man-made structures that I like - lighthouses, and covered bridges.  When we lived in Connecticut we made pilgrimages to Vermont and New Hampshire to see covered bridges.  It is a little harder to see lighthouses as you would have to follow the coast line.  So many are unique, tall - to get the light high enough for ships and sailors to see.  


I have found a new (old) obsession - jigsaw puzzles.  I’ve been getting the 300 piece puzzles at the library (up to five now).  I do them in one day (and it keeps me from writing my blog).  I’m not sure if I want to move to 500 piece puzzles - and that might tie up my table longer!!!  I went to the library two days ago and looked at the 500 piece puzzles but opted for a 300 piece version.

Puzzles and reading were some of my favorite things in elementary school (yes, I was and still am a bit of a nerd).  

Life is so amazing, my friends.  What new adventures are ahead of us?  (Maybe bidding and making a slam).  Every day I find that “LOVE WINS” is a great way to approach life.  

I have three standard slogans:

  • Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • I can only love God as much as I love the person I love the least - Dorothy Day

  • What does God expect of you, but to love Justice, show Mercy, and walk Humbly - Micah 6:8

I’ve been doing some life coaching - with a specialty in reconciliation within families.  I think families split for a variety of reasons and coming back together is really awesome!!

Have an amazing week!!!  

State nicknames answers:

  1. Kentucky

  2. Mississippi

  3. Missouri

  4. Tennessee

  5. South Carolina

  6. Wisconsin

  7. Wyoming

  8. Texas 

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