Saturday, July 3, 2021



JULY 4, 2021

WOW - a New Month!!!  Our seventh month of the year!!!  Do you know the second half of the years (months 7 through 12) are slightly longer than the first six months?  There are four months of 31 days (July, August, October, December) as compared to only three in the first half (January, March, and May) - plus February is two days shorter than any other month.  

And, we move into the (generally) hotter days of summer - July and August!!!


From the Declaration of Independence: (edited)

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.   

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”


It is a world of difference today.  Those representatives that signed the Declaration rode horses (or maybe stagecoaches) to Philadelphia, to sit in the heat and discuss whether to declare independence or not.  

There were lots of reasons to seek independence - the governor of each colony was appointed by the King and really had to answer to the King.  Any legislative action had to go to England for approval (and back again - a minimum of 12 weeks - 3 months).

From 1763 to 1773, Britain’s King George III increasingly placed pressure on the colonies as he and the British Parliament enacted a succession of draconian taxes and laws on them. Excessive taxes on British luxury goods like tea and sugar were designed to benefit the British crown without any regard for the hardships of the colonists. By 1764, the phrase “Taxation without representation is tyranny” spread throughout the colonies as the rallying cry of outrage.

The more the colonists rebelled, the more King George doubled down with force. Imagine if enemy soldiers not only had the right to enter your home but the soldiers could demand that you feed and house them. The Quartering Act of 1765 allowed British soldiers to do just that.

The American Revolution set up other revolutions over the years - the various South American, Africian, far east colonies rebelled.  

And, a final comment on American History.  The following is from Washington’s Farewell Address:

“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism….In governments purely elective, [a spirit of party is] not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose; and there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be by force of public opinion to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume.”

Alas, George Washington warned us about the “alternate domination of one faction over another” (aka - “Political Parties”).  Why can’t we get along!!


July 1st - Canada Day

And, I have a story from when we lived in Connecticut.  We were driving from Grand Rapids, Michigan to our home in Hamden, Connecticut on Canada Day.  I’m trying to obey the Canadian traffic laws (and mentally changing miles per hour into kilometers per hour - and yes my speedometer did show it).  Then, we had a Canadian Mountie on our tail with flashing lights!!  OH NO!!  He was very personable and reminded us that it was Canadian Day and that there would probably be a lot of drunk drivers on the road and warned us to drive carefully.  (He even gave us a coupon for a discount at a Tim Horton’s at the next stop!!)

July 3rd - International Plastic Bag Free Day

Oh My!!!

From that link: “From birth to ban, the history of the plastic bag has impacted our world. In 1933, polyethylene, the most commonly used plastic, was created by accident at a chemical plant in Northwich, England. While polyethylene had been created in small batches before, this was the first synthesis of the material that was industrially practical, and it was initially used in secret by the British military during World War II.

“By 1965, the one-piece polyethylene shopping bag was patented by the Swedish company Celloplast. Designed by engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin, the plastic bag quickly began to replace cloth and plastic in Europe. After controlling 80 percent of the bag market in Europe, plastic bags went abroad and were widely introduced to the United States in 1979. Plastic companies began to aggressively market their product as superior to paper and reusable bags.

It wasn’t until 1997 that sailor and researcher Charles Moore discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the largest of several gyres in the world’s oceans where immense amounts of plastic waste have accumulated, threatening marine life. It was discovered that plastic bags are notorious for killing sea turtles, which mistakenly think they are jellyfish and eat them.”

I try to use my cloth bags, but I do admit I have way-too-many plastic bags.  I’ll have to try harder!!! 

July 5 - National Bikini Day

Hmmm - ladies - do you wear a bikini? I have a two-piece swimsuit - but I don’t think it counts as a bikini!!!

July 6 - National Fried Chicken Day

I like chicken, but I am partial to the chicken strips (fingers) rather than the traditional chicken with bones!!!  It seems that chicken is more abundant than beef or pork.  I make chicken in my crock pot frequently, and also make chicken fajitas.  And, there are a number of restaurants that specialize in chicken (fried or breaded or in strips or fingers - or as wings)

Also, July 6 - International Kissing Day

“No matter which type of kiss you prefer, International Kissing Day on July 6 is the perfect time of year to celebrate this simple but powerful gesture. From French kissing and a formal kiss on the cheek, to a kiss hello and a kiss goodbye — kissing is an age-old practice with significance that extends far beyond just romance.”  

Last week we had hugs and handshakes - this week kissing and bikinis!!!



What is commemorated on the Fourth of July?

What was the Declaration of Independence?  

What state first declared July 4th as a Holiday?

Which two future US Presidents signed the Declaration?

What two American Presidents died on July 4,1826?

Which American President was born on July 4, 1872?

How many times does the Liberty Bell Ring on July 4th?

Where is the Liberty Bell located?

Where is the original Declaration of Independence kept?

Who was the Oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

How many women signed the Declaration of Independence?

How many men signed the Declaration of Independence?

In 2021, how many years since the Declaration of Independence?

The main hot dog eating contest on July 4th is held where?

Who is the reigning champion in the men’s division?

How many hot dogs did he eat in 2020?

Do the contestants have to eat the buns?

How long (in minutes) is the hot dog eating contest?

Who is the reigning women's champion in the hot dog eating contest? 

On the original flag, how many stripes and stars were there?

What happened when Vermont and Kentucky gained Statehood?

Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

Who wrote “It’s a Grand Old Flag”

Who Sang “God Bless the USA”?

Who was famous for singing “God Bless America”? 

What is Bruce Springsteen’s USA song?



1. How come there aren’t any knock-knock jokes about America?

Because freedom rings.

2. What kind of tea did the American colonists want?


3. What’s the difference between a duck and George Washington?

One has a bill on his face, and the other has his face on a bill.

4. What did the colonists wear to the Boston Tea Party?


5. What was George Washington’s favorite tree?

The infantry.



Celebrate safely.  Be careful with fireworks, be careful on the roads.





What is commemorated on the Fourth of July?

The signing of the Declaration of Independence

What was the Declaration of Independence?  

A declaration that the United States of America was independent of England/Great Britain

What state first declared July 4th as a Holiday?

Massachusetts in 1781

Which two future US Presidents signed the Declaration?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

What two American Presidents died on July 4,1826?

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Which American President was born on July 4, 1872?

Calvin Coolidge

How many times does the Liberty Bell Ring on July 4th?

Where is the Liberty Bell located?

Liberty Hall - Philadelphia

Where is the original Declaration of Independence kept?

National Archives in Washington

Who was the Oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

How many men signed the Declaration of Independence?


How many women signed the Declaration of Independence?


In 2021, how many years since the Declaration of Independence?


The main hot dog eating contest on July 4th is held where?

Coney Island

Who is the reigning champion in the men’s division?

Joey Chestnut

How many hot dogs did he eat in 2020?

75 (a new record)

How long (in minutes) is the hot dog eating contest?


Do the contestants have to eat the buns?


Who is the reigning women's champion in the hot dog eating contest? 

Miki Sudo - with 48.5 hot dogs and buns.

On the original flag, how many stripes and stars were there?


What happened when Vermont and Kentucky gained Statehood?

They added two more stars and two more stripes.

Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?

Francis Scott Key

Who wrote “It’s a Grand Old Flag”

George M. Cohan

Who Sang “God Bless the USA”?

Lee Greenwood

Who was famous for singing “God Bless America”? 

Kate Smith

What is Bruce Springsteen’s USA song?

Born in the USA

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